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1.了解地图复制的发展过程。 2.了解电子出版系统制作地图的步骤。 3.了解地图生产及出版的管理
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酒店分类 Teaching aims: ( 1)Ss get to know different types of hotels according to different ways of classification; ( 2) Ss get to know the target guests, characteristics and differences of different types of hotels. (3)Ss get to know some concepts: star- rating; Independent hotels, Parent company, Management contract, Franchise
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以计价方式分类 (1)欧式计价饭店: European Plan (2)欧陆式计价饭店Continental Plan: (3)美式计价饭店。 American Plan (4)修正美式计价饭店Modified American Plan (5)百慕达计价饭店Bermuda Plan
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The guest cycle Guest transaction during a hotel stay determine the flow of business which can be divided into four stages pre-arrival---reservation 2.arrival registration 3. occupancy---occupancy services 4.departure-----check-out and histor
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Housekeeping General Introduction of Guestrooms General Introduction of the Housekeeping Department Standard Services in the Housekeeping Department
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当日可取;快洗服务;次日服务;快烫服务;24小时洗衣服务; same-day service (collected by 11: 00; returned on the same day) express service (collected all day and returned within 4 hours; with 50% extra- charge) Next day service (Collected after 11: 00, delivered before 19: 00 next day) Express pressing service (collected all day and returned within 1 hour) 24-hour laundry service
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1. Wine List 1. Aperitifs餐前酒 Eg: Martini Rossi马丁尼罗士 French Vermouth, Noilly Prat法国味美思 2. Cocktails鸡尾酒 Pink Lady; Bronx: Old Fashioned; Vodka Martini; Million Dollar; Champagne Cocktail
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Personnel Personnel management has been neglected in the past; but now more and more hotels have realized its importance, owing to the following 2 factors: 1. the trend to chain operation has swallowed up many of the independent hotels, and a chain operation can well afford personnel specialists
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第一章入境 Chapter IEntry 第二章入出境证件检査 Chapter ll Inspection of Entry and Exit Certificates
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一、需求曲线和供给曲线 二、需求弹性和供给弹性 三、蛛网模型(动态模型的一个例子)
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