文档格式:PPT 文档大小:225KB 文档页数:37
第一节房地产的概念和性质 一、房地产的概念 二、房产和地产之间的关系 三、房地产的特性 四、房地产业的含义和社会经济性质
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一、组织理论 二、组织设计 三、组织结构 四、组织变革 五、组织文化
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:273KB 文档页数:27
Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the institutional framework within which: International payments are made. The movement of capital is accommodated. Exchange rates are determined
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the institutional framework within which exchange rates are determined. This chapter lays the foundation for much of the discussion throughout the remainder of the text, thus it deserves your careful attention
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Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to begin our discussion of world financial markets and institutions
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses both the primary and secondary equity markets throughout the world
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses currency and interest rateswaps, which are relatively new instruments forhedging long-term interest rate risk and foreignexchange risk
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter provides a way to measure economic exposure, discusses its determinants, and presents methods for managing and hedging economic exposure
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the impact that unanticipatedchanges in exchange rates may have on theconsolidated financial statements of the multinationalcompany
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the cost of capital for the multinational firm
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