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第一节 概述 第二节 湿空气的性质及湿度图 第三节干燥静力学(湿物料基本性质 ) 第四节 湿物料的性质及干燥机理 第五节 干燥速率和干燥时间 第六节 干燥设备
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第一节 会计信息和类别 第二节 会计发展 第三节 会计含义及其属性 第四节 会计工作组织 第五节 会计方法 第三节 财务会计的特点与学习方法
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第一节财产清查概述 一、财产清查的意义 (一)财产清查的含义 根据账簿记录,对企业的财产物资等进行盘点或核对,查明各项财产的实存数与账面结存数是否相符,为编制会计报表提供信息的一种专门方法
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I. Levels of Product I. Levels of Product II. Classification of Products II. Classification of Products III. Services Marketing III. Services Marketing IV. New Product Development IV. New Product Development V. Test Marketing V. Test Marketing
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第一节 概述 第二节 辐射的基本原理 第三节 食品辐射技术的化学与生物学效应 第四节 辐射在食品保藏中的应用及卫生安全性
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I. Managing Marketing Efforts I. Managing Marketing Efforts II. Organizing the Marketing II. Organizing the Marketing Department Department III. Four skills needed for III. Four skills needed for effective implementation effective implementation IV. Types of Control IV. Types of Control V. Marketing Control Process V. Marketing Control Process VI. Marketing Audits VI. Marketing Audits
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第一节会计凭证的意义和种类 一、会计凭证的含义 1 记录经济业务的书面证明; 2 明确经济责任的书面证明; 3 据以登记账簿的书面证明
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I. Discussion on Strategy I. Discussion on Strategy II. What is Strategic Planning II. What is Strategic Planning III. Steps in Strategic Planning III. Steps in Strategic Planning IV. Planning Functional IV. Planning Functional Strategies Strategies
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I. Levels & Structure of Demand I. Levels & Structure of Demand II. Measuring Current Demand, II. Measuring Current Demand, Area Demand, Future Demand Area Demand, Future Demand III. Sales Forecasting III. Sales Forecasting Techniques Techniques
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I. The Importance of I. The Importance of information information II. The Marketing Information II. The Marketing Information System III. The Marketing Research III. The Marketing Research Process Process IV. Research Plan Designing IV. Research Plan Designing and Execution and Execution
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