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Chapter 3(1): Organisational Culture, Diversity &Multiculturalism Chapter 3(2): Organisational Culture Chapter 3(3): Diversity
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3-1 连接件的强度计算 3-2 纯剪切 切应力互等定理剪切胡克定律 3-3 剪切应变能
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3-1 平面铣加工特点 3-2 面铣加工特点 3-3 面铣实例操作
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2 www.ArenaSimulation.com What We’ll Do ... Product Overview Generating Playback Files In Arena Importing 2D Animation Into 3DPlayer Example 1 3DPlayer Environment (Panes, Toolbars, Modes) Path Drawing and Editing
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3-1 立体的投影 3-2 平面与立体相交的投影 3-3 立体与立体相交的投影
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■§3-1力系的平衡方程 §3-2刚体系统的平衡 ■§3-3静定与超静定的基本概念
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21 Drop I from the title Review of Statistics I 28 Footnote #2: Degrees of belief 46 Question 2.4 (b) (ii) E3 + A3 instead of E2 + A3
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4-3-1 电导率(electrical conductivity)和电阻率 4-3-2 材料的结构与导电性 Structures and Conductivity 4-3-4 材料的超导电性(superconductivity) 4-3-5 材料的介电性(dielectric property)
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第三章非稳态导热 3-1非稳态导热过程 3-2集总参数法 3-3一维非稳态导热的分析解
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§3-1连接件的强度计算 §3-2纯剪切切应力互等定理 剪切胡克定律 §3-3剪切应变能
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