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一、选择题(20 分) 1、流体运动的两种重要参数是( )。 (A)压力、速度; (B)压力、温度; (C)比容、密度; (D)比容、速度
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69 Broadcasting R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, J.F. Lindsey I, D.F. Doelitzsch, J. Whitaker, M.S. Roden, S. Salek, A. H. Clegg Modulation and Demodulation. Radio. Television Systems. High-Definition Television. Digital Audio Broadcasting
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80 年代,由于分析化学的快速发展,电分析化学 的内容的扩充和更新,这一定义不能准确适应, J.A.Plambeck 修正了这一定义:
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(一)、一维无限深势阱中的粒子 质量为m的粒子只能在 0
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一、EDA(Electronic Design Automation) 二、ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) 三、FPGA(Field Programmable Gate-Array) 四、CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device) 五、SOC(System On a Chip)
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94.1 Databases Database Abstraction • Data Models • Relational Databases • Hierarchical Databases • Network Databases • Architecture of a DBMS • Data Integrity and Security • Emerging Trends 94.2 Rule-Based Expert Systems
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84.1 Introduction 84.2 The Analog and Digital Signal Interface 84.3 Analog Signal Conditioning 84.4 Sample-and-Hold and A/D Techniques in Data Acquisition
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containing the components of a computer central processor, complete with instruction processing unit, arithmetic, interrupt , and basic communication facilities. Such devices have been around since the early 1970s and have greatly benefitted from the continuing
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Pre-Reading Activities Text & New Word Reading Text A: Language Points Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up Assignment
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预备知识 A.系统仿真概念及其重要性 B. MATLAB集成环境的组成
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