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1.写出下列化合物与吡啶作用的产物 (1)B(CH3)3 (2)H2SO4 (3) CH3I (4)CH3COOOH
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Preface to the Second Edition The dairy industry continues to consolidate, with mergers reducing the number of companies producing dairy products. The number of dairy farms is also de- creasing, but the remaining farms are larger and the volume of milk they produce is increasing slowly. The amount and variety of dairy products are also increasing
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1.H与时间 Schrodinger无关时方程初值问题的解 Schrodinger方程是(为说明问题清楚起见,我们把时间变量明确写出来了)
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1.处理跃迁问题的微扰论方法 现在我们处理在H和时间有关时, Schrodinger方程的解法,即回答与量子跃迁有关的问题
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46 Electroacoustic Devices P. H. Rogers Transduction Mechanisms. Sensitivity and Source Level. Reciprocity Canonical Equations and Electroacoustic Coupling. Radiation Impedance.Directivity
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根据对比态理论得到了通用压缩因子,解决了实际气体的P、 V、T的计算。那么实际气体的热量参数H、S、CP、Cv如何计算? 理想气体热量已经过系统实验和计算,可查有关手册,实际气体 热量参数的计算主要是计算它用理想气体的偏差。这种方法认为, 凡是与临办压缩性系数cr相近的气体,都可看作热力学相似物 质,不仅它很对比参数遵守对比态定律,而且它们的热量参数同 理想气体状态下的热量参数之并也可表示为对比参数的同一形式 的函数
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TEXT Munson, B R, Young, D F and kishi, T H, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition, John Wiley son, 2002 REFERENCES Shames IH. Mechanics of Fluids. 3rd Edition
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1.有一无色液体化合物,分子式为C6H12, 它与溴的四氯化碳溶液反应,溴的棕黄色消失 该化合物的核磁共振谱中,只有=1.6ppm处 有一个单峰,写出该化合物的构造式
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Systems Considerations (Valving, tanks, etc) Characteristics of some monopropellants (Reprinted from H. Koelle, Handbook of Astronautical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1961.) Flame Chemical Density temp
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