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献给彭ト罗克和芒特高梅利伯爵托马斯(Right Hon ourable, Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and ontgomery)男爵 何赫巴特( Baron Herbert of Cardiff)、勋爵罗斯 Lord Ross of K endal, Par, Fitzhugh, M armion, St. Q uintin and Shurland)、今上底枢密院总裁( President of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council、兼威尔德、南 威尔士两郡民政长(Lord Lieutenant of- the County of ilts and of Sousth ales)大人: 这部论文底完成是大人亲眼所见的,它之出而问世,亦 是受命于大人的,因此,它现在就凭其应有的权利,来要求 大人赏给它数年前所允许的那层保障。我并不以为只要在书 首署上任何一个大名,就能把书中的错误遮掩了。凡一种出 版物之成败,全看它底价值或读者底爱好。在真理方面所最 需要的,莫过于让读者摒除成见,平心领略,而能促使舆论 给予重视的,又莫过于大人,因为举世都承认大人是洞明事 道,深入理藏的
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献给彭ト罗克和芒特高梅利伯爵托马斯(Right Hon ourable, Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and ontgomery)男爵 何赫巴特( Baron Herbert of Cardiff)、勋爵罗斯 Lord Ross of K endal, Par, Fitzhugh, M armion, St. Q uintin and Shurland)、今上底枢密院总裁( President of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council、兼威尔德、南 威尔士两郡民政长(Lord Lieutenant of- the County of ilts and of Sousth ales)大人: 这部论文底完成是大人亲眼所见的,它之出而问世,亦 是受命于大人的,因此,它现在就凭其应有的权利,来要求 大人赏给它数年前所允许的那层保障。我并不以为只要在书 首署上任何一个大名,就能把书中的错误遮掩了
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Plasma membrane Mitochondrion Nucleus cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum K Golai Apparatus Outside the Cell EUKARYOTIC CELL
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一、记忆题(20个) 1、写出下列热力学量的数量级及单位,N,洛喜密脱数,Trm=,k= 2、写出下列基本热力学量的数量级及单位:常温下分子运动平均速率的数量级 标准状态下气体分子的平均,原子或分子的线度d 及质量m
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Solubility limit for P at 1273 K is Co 2 1 x 10 cm\. Intrinsic carrier concentration is 10 cm\. Thus, before including higher order terms, Do=13x10-4 cm2/s. But with first order and second order correction terms
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一、微观经济学 主要研究资源配置问题。 这里的资源主要指生产要素,包括人力、物力和财力。在西方经济学中具体指:劳动(L)、资本(K)、土地(N)和企业家才能(E)
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We saw oⅴD Gas phase reactants: po l mTorr to l atm Good step coverage, T> 350 K We saw sputtering Noble (+ reactive gas)p 10 mTorr; ionized particles Industrial process high rate reasonable step coverage
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就数学意义上而言,线性连续定常系统的传递 函数总是由这几种类型的因子组成的,这些因 子称为基本环节,或者称为典型环节 放大环节(比例环节):k 积分环节: 微分环节:s
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Lecture 9: Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Last Day: Physical hydrogels Structure and chemistry Toda polyelectrolyte hydrogels, complexes, and coacervates rolyte multilayer theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Reading S.K. De et aL., 'Equilibrium swelling and kinetics of pH-responsive hydrogels: Models experiments, and simulations
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A bank has sold for $300,000 a European call option on 100,000 shares of a nondividend paying stock S=49,K=50,=5%,=20% T=20 weeks,μ=13%
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