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With a longitudinal axis of steel stirrups and the general failure mode of compression members, bearing capacity; Longitudinal and spiral reinforcement with stirrups failure modes of axial The concept of stability factor and its influencing factors; Analysis of the core concrete strength and strength calculation; Ordinary hoops column, spiral column reinforcement stirrup features and construction requirements
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Oblique cross-section flexural members of the mechanical characteristics and failure modes. Oblique section of bending members the main factor for shear strength. Flexural oblique shear strength formula for conditions. Such a high degree of web reinforcement beams of the preliminary design steps. Resisting moment mapping. Check all of bearing capacity and structural requirements. Construction oblique shear strength calculations
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Principle of Structure Design and Calculation Based on Probabilostic Limit State Method History and basic concept of methods for calculation and design Functional requirement of structure Conception of limit state, probabilistic limit state design method Design method, principles, expressions and factors of existing Codes Strength of Materials, action classifications, action combination
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.8MB 文档页数:73
Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete Structure and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete(RC) Strength and deformation of concrete under various stress conditions Type ,Grade and Mechanical Properties of Steel Reinforcement Bond between concrete and steel reinforcement
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学习和掌握马克思主义经典作家预见未来社会的科学立场和方法 ; 把握马克思主义经典作家关于共产主义社会基本特征的主要观点 ; 深刻认识共产主义社会实现的历史必然性和长期性 ; 树立和坚定共产主义远大理想 , 积极投身于中国特色社会主义建设事业
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:13.02MB 文档页数:119
• 通过教学使同学们学习和了解社会主义从理论到实践的发展过程; • 把握社会主义的基本特征; • 认识在经济相对落后的国家社会主义的艰巨性和长期性;• 进一步坚定社会主义的信念; • 明确马克思主义政党在革命和建设中的地位和作用,提高坚持党的领导的自觉性
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 第一节 内部会计控制  第二节 财产清查概述  第三节 财产清查的方法  第四节 财产清查结果的处理
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 第一节 会计凭证概述  第二节 原始凭证  第三节 记账凭证  第四节 会计凭证传递
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 第一节 会计科目  第二节 会计账户  第三节 借贷复式记账法  习题一  习题二  习题三  习题四
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