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UNCLASSIFIED Unclassified Sources of Space Policy and Law Custom Domestic and International Laws Treaties and Agreements Policy Statements and Directives -Presidential DoD and The Armed Services Other Government Or
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能从能量的观点理解热力学第一定律及其表达式 掌握ΔU=W+Q的适用范围,初步运用能量守恒定律 分析、计算、解决有关问题。 明确热力学能、功和热的定义和意义。 掌握不同过程体积功的计算
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§2-1 Newton’s Laws Force Inertial Reference Frame 牛顿定律 力的概念 惯性参考系 §2-2 General Properties of Forces in Mechanics 力的基本性质 §2-4 Fundamental Quantities and Units Dimensions ﹡基本量和力学单位制 量纲 §2-5 Applying Newton’s Law of Motion 牛顿定律应用 §2-3 The Fundamental Forces of Nature ﹡ 四种基本力
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§3-1 Work(功) §3-2 Kinetic Energy(动能)and The Law of Kinetic Energy(动能定理) §3-3 Conservative Force(保守力) & Potential Energy of Weight Elastic Potential Energy (弹性势能) Universal Gravitational Potential Energy §3-4 Conservation of Mechanical Energy(机械能) §3-5 The Conservation of Energy
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§2-1 Newton’s Laws Force Inertial Reference Frame 牛顿定律 力的概念 惯性参考系 §2-2 General Properties of Forces in Mechanics 力的基本性质 §2-4 Fundamental Quantities and Units Dimensions ﹡基本量和力学单位制 量纲 §2-5 Applying Newton’s Law of Motion 牛顿定律应用 §2-3 The Fundamental Forces of Nature ﹡ 四种基本力
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物理学名词中英文对照 电荷 electric charge 电荷量子化 charge quantization 电荷守恒定律 law conservation of
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32-9 Relativistic Momentum and Mass (P749-751) In classical mechanics, the law of conservation of momentum (P=constant) holds in different inertial reference frames. But in relativity, if we continue to define P=mv, and m is a constant, the total momentun is not conserved for different inertial frames
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Chapter 29 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 1. Displacement Current Ampere-Max' Law 2. Maxwell's Equation 3. Electromagnetic Waves
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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Torque, Rotational Inertia and Law Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
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Chapter 19 Electric Charge and Electric Field 1. Static Electricity; Electric Charge and Its Conservation; Insulators and Conductors; Induced Charge 2. Coulomb's Law 3. The Electric Field and its Calculations 4. Electric Field and Conductors 5. Electric Dipoles
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