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填空题 1.中华人民共和国是 的社会主义国家。 2.我国爱国统一战线的组织形式是 3.我国政权的组织形式是以民主集中制为原则的 4.中华人民共和国的社会主义经济制度的基础是 即 和
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《新闻理论》教学大纲 课程的地位、作用和质量标准 (一)课程的地位和作用 《新闻理论》是新闻采编与制作专业的职业能力主干课,必修课。 介绍人类新闻活动概况,阐述新闻事业发展的基本规律及基本概念,知 识。内容主要包括新闻的起源、新闻的定义和特点、新闻传播、新闻价值、新 闻敏感、新闻事业的产生和发展、新闻事业的性质社会功能与效果、新闻舆 论监督和舆论导向、新闻自由与社会控制、社会主义新闻事业、新闻工作的党 性原则、新闻事业的经营管理、新闻工作者的素质等
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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Assignments · Remember: Problem set#1: Rules and Scheme due today September 15th, 2003 Reading Solving problems by searching: AIMA Ch 3 Homework for this lecture Problem set #2 due Monday, Sept. 22 Snas witha, Spring 03 Outline
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Programming Languages · Control Conditionals Functions function calls Threads Data Scalars: booleans, numbers, strings Records/ structures Classes, types sept.8.2003
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Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Formulation Brian C. Williams 16410-13 September 29th, 2003 Slides adapted fro 6. 034 Tomas lozano perez and AIMA Stuart Russell Peter Norvig Reading Assignments: Constraints Much of the material covered only in lecture slides
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September 24, 2003 Scheme Tutor notes In scheme tutor stick to r5rs scheme The Tutor uses SCM, not miT scheme Strategy: click\Check\button on initial code, in order to view test cases pt.24,2003 16410/16413 Even more scheme
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Out line Propositional Satisfiability Propositional Clauses Backtrack search Unit Propagation DPLL: Unit Propagation Backtrack Search Characteristics of dPLl local search using GSAT Propositional Clauses
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Solving CsPs Solving CSPs involves some combination of 1. Constraint propagation eliminates values that cant be part of any solution 2. Search explores valid assignments Arc Consistency Arc consistency eliminates values of each variable domain that
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Histol · Kautz and selman.1992 Inspired by improvements in satisfiabity algorithms Big Idea Encode planning problem as a(very large) logical formula Initial-state all-possible-actions goal Find a satisfying assignment to action-time propositions, and we have a plan
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