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Chapter Objective: This chapter continues discussion of international capital markets with a discussion of the structure of the international bond market
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Chapter Objective: This chapter examines several key international parity relationships, such as interest rate parity and purchasing power parity
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Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the balance of payments. How it is constructed and how balance of payments data may be interpreted
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Multinational Firm Chapter Objectives: Understand why it is important to study international finance.Distinguish international finance from domestic finance
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1.在账套初始化界面处点击“凭证类别” 2.选择所需的凭证类型,如“通用式会计凭证”或“收付转式会计凭证”。 3.确定,即完成了凭证类别的设定
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(一)总账系统的任务 总账系统的任务就是利用建立的会计科目体系, 输入和处理各种记账凭证,完成记账、结账以及对账工作,输出各种总分类账、日记账、明细账和有关辅助账
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一、影响传热膜系数的因素 1、流体流动状态 层流:忽略自然对流时,层流底层=r湍流:主要热阻在层流层,Re↑,边界层减薄,a(注意管件、内构件影响,Re层2000?)
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6.1控制的概念 6.2控制的目的 6.3控制的过程 6.4控制的类型 6.5控制的原理 6.6控制的方法
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21.1数字电路概述 21.2晶体管的开关特性 21.3分立元件门电路 21.4TTL门电路 21.5MOS门电路 21.6逻辑代数 21.7组合逻辑电路的分析与综合 21.8加法器 21.9编码器 21.10译码器及显示电路 21.11数据分配器及数据选择器
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一、沟通概述 二、沟通障碍 三、沟通原则 四、沟通技巧
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