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Chapter F11 Power notes Corporations: Organization, Capital Stock, Dividends Learning Objectives 1. Nature of a corporation 2. Stockholders'Equity 3. Sources of Paid-in Capital 4. Issuing Stock 5. Treasury Stock Transactions 6. Stock Splits 7. Accounting for dividends 8. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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第一节 财务报告概述 第二节 年度决算概述 第三节 年度决算的准备工作 第四节 年度决算工作的基本内容 第五节 年度决算
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第一节 经理国库业务概述 第二节 预算收入的收纳核算 第三节 库款报解和支拨的核算 第四节 国库券的发行与兑付
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第一节 金银业务核算概述 第二节 金银收兑业务核算 第三节 金银配售、上售和调拨的核算 第四节 金银业务费用和损益的核算
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Chapter F13 Power notes Bonds Payable and Investments in Bonds Learning Objectives 1. Financing Corporations 2. Characteristics of Bonds Payable 3. The Present-Value Concept and Bonds Payable 4. Accounting for Bonds Payable 5. Bond Sinking Funds 6. Bond Redemption 7 Investments in bonds 8. Corporation Balance Sheet 9. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F12 Power notes Corporations: Income and Taxes, nts in Stocks Stockholders' Equity, Investm Learning Objectives 1. Corporate Income Taxes 2. Unusual Income Statement Items 3. Earnings Per Common Share 4. Reporting Stockholders'Equity 5. Comprehensive Income 6. Accounting for Investment in Stocks 7. Business Combinations 8. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F5 Power notes Accounting for Merchandising Businesses Learning Objectives 1. Nature of Merchandising Business 2a. Accounting for Purchases 2b. Accounting for Sales 2c. Transportation Costs 2d. Merchandise Transactions 3. Merchandising Chart of Accounts 4. Merchandising Income Statement 5. Merchandising Accounting Cycle 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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一、辨析题(1 分×15) ( )1、贷款展期视同贷款发放,应按程序报批,否则,按逾期贷款处理。 ( )2、凡逾期在两年以内的贷款都属于逾期贷款。 ( )3、按照规定,贷审会同意的信贷业务有权审批人不能否决,贷审会不同意的信贷业务,有权审批人可以同意
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华北制药股份有限公司是我行的新客户,因改进产品工艺,需对设备进行更新,特向我 行申请贷款 230 万,期限 1 年,请根据以下资料进行处理
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一、我国进行房地产证券化的必要性和可行性 1、有利于提高银行资产的流动性,释放金融风险。 2、有利于拓展房地产业资金来源,构建良好的房地产运行机制。 3、有利于健全我国的资本市场,扩大投资渠道
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