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一、妊娠生理 二、受精及受精卵的发育、输送及着床 1 精子获能 2 顶体反应 3 着床的条件 三、透明带必须消失 四、囊胚细胞滋养必须分化出细胞滋养细胞 五、囊胚与子宫内膜发育同步 六、必须有足够的孕酮支持
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Topics today 一、Normal puerperium 二、Diseases of puerperium 三、 Ectopic pregnancy 四、 Abortion
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一、早产:28周〈37周 二、足月产:37周-〈42周 三、过期产:〉或=42周
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第一节孕妇监护 一、产前检查的时间 二、首次产前检查
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Definition Fetal distress is defined as depletion of oxygen and accumulation of carbon dioxide,leading to a state of \hypoxia and acidosis during intra-uterine life
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定义 fetal distress: 胎儿在宫内有缺氧征象危及胎 儿健康和生命者.是一种综合症 状,是剖宫产的适应证之一
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epidemiology Labor and delivery between28-36+6 weeks 5%-10% be the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality Survival rates have increased and morbidity has decreased because of technologic advances
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妊娠滋养细胞疾病:来源于胎盘绒毛滋养细胞 的疾病,包括葡萄胎、侵蚀性葡萄胎、绒癌和 一类少见的胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤
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Normal Pregnancy Pregnand The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages f pregnancy Early pregnancy: $12 weeks Mid pregnancy:≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy: 228 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks
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定义 孕28周后,胎盘附于子宫下段,甚至胎盘下缘 达到或覆盖宫颈内口,位置低于胎儿先露部 ,称为前置胎盘
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