前置胎盘 汪希鹏 妇产科
前置胎盘 汪希鹏 妇产科
定义 孕28周后,胎盘附于子宫下段,甚至胎盘下缘达 到或覆盖宫颈内口,位置低于胎儿先露部,称 为前置胎盘
定义 孕28周后,胎盘附于子宫下段,甚至胎盘下缘达 到或覆盖宫颈内口,位置低于胎儿先露部,称 为前置胎盘
分类 中央型前置胎盘: the internal cervical os is covered completely by placenta. 部分性前置胎盘: the internal os is partially covered by placenta 边缘性前置胎盘: the edge of the placenta is at the margin of the internal os >低置胎盘: the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment such that the placenta edge actually does not reach the internal os but is in close proximity to it
分类 ➢ 中央型前置胎盘: the internal cervical os is covered completely by placenta. ➢ 部分性前置胎盘: the internal os is partially covered by placenta. ➢ 边缘性前置胎盘: the edge of the placenta is at the margin of the internal os. ➢ 低置胎盘: the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment such that the placenta edge actually does not reach the internal os but is in close proximity to it
前置胎盘类型判定 >根据检查当时,宫口扩张和胎盘位置关 系确定如低置胎盘在宫口开2厘米时,能 变成部分性前置胎盘。 >肛查确定宫口扩张和胎盘关系是非常危 险,引发严重大出血( Severe hemorrhage)
前置胎盘类型判定 ➢ 根据检查当时,宫口扩张和胎盘位置关 系确定如低置胎盘在宫口开2厘米时,能 变成部分性前置胎盘。 ➢ 肛查确定宫口扩张和胎盘关系是非常危 险,引发严重大出血( severe hemorrhage)
胎盘移行 Gestational age at Previa or hemorrhage sonography(wk) at delivery (%) <20 2.3 20-25 3.2 25-30 5.2 30-35 24
胎盘移行 Gestational age at sonography(wk) Previa or hemorrhage at delivery (%) <20 20-25 25-30 30-35 2.3 3.2 5.2 24
发病率 Incidence 前置胎盘发病率约05%(1in200) deliveries
发病率 Incidence ➢ 前置胎盘发病率约0.5% (1 in 200) deliveries
病因 Etiology >孕妇年龄 >多产次 Multiparity >剖宫产史 Prior cesarean section 吸烟 Smoking
病因 Etiology ➢ 孕妇年龄 ➢ 多产次 Multiparity ➢ 剖宫产史Prior cesarean section ➢ 吸烟 Smoking
Etiology孕母年龄 >孕母年龄增大与前置胎盘发病率成正比 >小于19岁产妇,前置胎盘发生率是1in 1500;年龄大于35岁孕妇,发生率是1 in100
Etiology 孕母年龄 ➢ 孕母年龄增大与前置胎盘发病率成正比 ➢ 小于19岁产妇,前置胎盘发生率是 1 in 1500;年龄大于35岁孕妇,发生率是1 in 100
Etiology多产 multiparity 多产超过5次的孕妇,其前置胎盘发生率约 2,2%,显著高于少产次孕妇
Etiology 多产 multiparity 多产超过5次的孕妇,其前置胎盘发生率约 2.2%,显著高于少产次孕妇