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Check n. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit;, a draft. 支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票 Issue v.tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity:
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Sputter deposition: Read Plummer Chap 9, Sections to 9.3.10. Consider reading Ohring 1. You need to deposit a high quality (low electrical resistivity) Al film at a very high rate(v> I micron/min) and achieve good step coveage using sputter deposition
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A Comparison of Tort Law(Example Sjef van Erp(Maastricht University/e)and Property Law(1) Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services) Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. while they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use Contents
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Lecture 13: Molecular Devices Last time biological strategies for inorganic templating by organic materials Biomimetic organic template materials Biomimesis of bone Today Reading V Vogel, 'Reverse engineering: Learning from proteins how to enhance the performance
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一、表面解剖 二、血管:股A及其分支;大隐V 三、神经:腰丛的分支;骶丛的分支 四、臀部:境界、层次、梨状肌上下孔、坐骨小孔
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本文介绍了美国建筑钢结构设计规范LRFD( Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings)第十章及第十一章的主要内容,包括:连接、节点和紧件以及受集中荷 载作用的构件的强度设计 关键词LRFD;连接;节点;紧固件:集中力 10.36抗拉设计承载力和抗剪设计承载力 为dFAb 单个高强螺栓(包括螺纹部分)的抗拉(或抗剪)设 其中, φ——抗力分项系数,对于标准孔
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7-1在p-V图和T-S图上画出等温、等熵,n=1.25的压缩过程,并分别用面积在两 个图上表示出压气机的功耗。 7-2设有两台氮气压气机,它们的进、出口状态参数相同,但一台实施的是n=16的 可逆多变过程,另一台实施的是不可逆绝热压缩过程。不通过计算,试利用T-S图说明哪 一台压气机生产单位质量压缩气体耗功多? 7-3某气体依次经历绝热、等容、等压3个可逆过程完成循环
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4.1粘性流体的两种状态是什么?其各自的定义是什么?(参考分数:5分) 4.2流态的判断标准是什么?(参考分数:5分) 4.3某管道直径d=50mm,通过温度为1℃的中等燃料油,其运动粘度v=5.06×10-m2/s试求:保持层流状态的最大流量。(参考分数:6分)
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Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E---Watson et al. (2004) Part I: Chemistry and genetics Part l: Maintenance of the Genome Part I: Expression of the Genome Part IV: Regulation Part v: Methods
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低压电器( Low voltage Apparatus)通常指工作在交、直流电压1200V以下的电路中起通断、控制、保 护和调节作用的电气设备。本章主要介绍常见的接触器、继电器、低压断路器、万能转换开关、熔断器等设 备的基本结构、功能及工作原理
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