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School of Law, University of Glasgow Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use
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Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal
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Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use
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The States Parties to this Protocol, Declaring that effective action to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, especially women and children, requires a comprehensive international approach in the countries of origin, transit and destination that includes measures to prevent such trafficking to punish the traffickers and to protect the victims of such trafficking, including by protecting their internationally recognized human rights
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4.1编码器 4.2译码器 4.3数据选择器 4.4数值比较器 4.5加法器
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一、和平与发展是当今世界的潮流和核心问题 1、维护和平、反对霸权主义和强权政治是人心所向; 2、发展是和平的基础的保证;并需迎接多极化趋势的挑战; 3、中国力争建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序;世界潮流顺之则昌、逆之则亡,政治、经济均不例外;
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第一节垄断竞争的性质和特点 一、垄断竞争的性质和定义 对垄断竞争的假定介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间,是一种既有竞 争因素又有垄断因素,即竞争和垄断相结合的市场结构。 与完全竞争相比,垄断竞争行业中各厂商的产品是差异产品,不能 完全替代;厂商的进入没有障碍。产品的差异是导致垄断与竞争相结 合的一个重要的原因
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一、厂商 厂商:为了获得经济利润生产和销售物品或劳务的社会单位。 目标:尽可能地获取利润,追求利润最大化。 厂商的组织形式: 单人业主制:一个人拥有一个企业。 合伙制:两个或两个以上的人同意共同分担企业经营责任。 公司制:企业以创办者和所有者相分离的形式存在
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一、填空题 1.抽样调查是遵循 抽选样本,通过对样本单位的调查来对研究对象的总体数量特 征作出推断的。 2.将总体划分为互不重迭的各个部分,它们合起来构成总体,则每个部分称为一 个
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第一节收入概述 第二节主营业务收入 第三节其他业务收支 第四节建造合同收入
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