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西安石油大学油气资源学院:《地震勘探原理 Seismic Survey Principle》课程教学资源(作业习题库)
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Main Bedding Types Bedding Shape level bedding ripple bedding Main Types of plate laminae
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Review Show the homework and note book on your desk Practise measurement of attitude of planes and lines in the models
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Determination of the top sur faces of the beds from the scour surfaces
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Chapter 2 Primary Sedimentary Structures Main types of bedding Determination of younger direction of beds from primary structures Types of stratigraphic break Angular unconformity Soft sedimentary structures
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Chapter One Introduction Goals Outline Two supports Types of structures QA uantitative techniques pplication Suggestion
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一、选择填空题 1、B 2、C 3、B 4、C 5、C 6、A 7、C 8、C 9、B 10、C
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Course Examination paper of Resource Geology (Answers) Ⅰ. To Explanate the following terms ( Ten terms , 2 marks per term, total 20 marks) 1. Ore Minerals: the specific minerals within the ore which contain the metals to be recovered
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一、选择填空题(10 分) 1—C 2—B 3—B 4—C 5—C 6—B 7—B 8—A 9—D 10—C
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Ⅰ. TO EXPLANATE THE FOLLOWING TERMS ( Ten terms , 2 marks per term, total 20 marks) 1. Ore Minerals; 2. Ferrous metal; 3. Precious metal; 4. Siderophilic elements; 5. Mineralization epoch; 6. Grade; 7. Hydrothermal solution; 8. Mineralization
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