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1.设函数F(x,y)满足 (1)在区域D:x-a≤x≤x+a,yo-b≤y≤yo+b上连续; (2)F(x0,y)=0
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自测试题一 填空每空2分,共20分) 1、设事件AB相互独立,且P(A)=0.3,P(B)=0.2,则P(A+B)=
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The objects in a set are also called the elements, or members, of the set. A set is said to contain its elements. Null Set: There are no anything in the set
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一、单个方程的情形 1.设函数F(x,y)满足 (1)在区域D:x-a≤x≤x+a,yo-b≤y≤yo+b上连续;
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4.1导数定义和某些初等函数的导数 1.定义设y=f(x)在(a,b)上定义,x∈(a,b),若极限
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1.下列函数的极大值点和极小值点: (1)f(x,y)=(x-y+1 (2)f(x,y)=3mxy-x-y(a>0) (3)f(x,y)=xy (a,b>0)
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2.符号函数(显函数、隐函数和参数方程)画图 (1) ezplot ezplot(f(x)',[a,b]) 表示在a
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(教学研究)Understanding the power reflection and transmission coefficients of a plane wave at a planar interface
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Introduction Definition Induced Norm–Matrix p-Norms One Norm Infinity Norm Norm of a Product Two Norm Frobenius Norm Norm of a Submatrix Exercises Comprehensive Problems
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