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What Are the Symptoms of Acrylamide Poisoning? The initial symptoms of acrylamide poisoning on the skin are peeling of the skin at the point of contact, followed by tingling and numbness in the exposed area. If exposure by any means (touch, ingestion, inhalation) continues, muscular weakness, difficulty maintaining balance
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Companies hire researchers, license ideas, generate much useful data that aren’t always published, and fund scholarships. Famil￾iarity with the corporate mindset, structure and resources can help you obtain what you need and avoid problems you don’t want. All Companies Are the Same?
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Air Buoyancy Akin to water keeping something afloat, samples can be “lifted” by air, artificially decreasing their apparent weight. This air buoy￾ancy can have a significant effect on smaller samples. Electrostatic Forces Electrostatic charges are almost always present in any environ￾ment, particularly in areas with very low humidity. If there are
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What Do You Know About Your Target? The sensitivity needs of your system are primarily determined by the abundance of your target, which can be approximated according to its origin. Plasmids, cosmids, phagemids as colony lifts or dot blots, and PCR products are usually intermediate to high-abundance targets. Genomic DNA is considered an intermediate to low-abundance target. Most prokaryotic genes are present as single copies, while genes from higher eukaryotes
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The principle of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was first reported in 1971 (Kleppe et al., 1971), but it was only after the dis￾covery of the thermostable Taq DNA polymerase (Saiki et al., 1988; Lawyer et al., 1989) that this technology became easy to use
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(1)桌上只许有笔,答题纸和英文课本。(2)不许 离开自己的座位。(3)不许偷看,不许讲话 (有问题 举手)(4)老师宣布停的时候,必须放下自己的笔。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂 助教。 如果主讲老师或助教发现任何学生违反以上任何 一条规则,第一次违规者,扣除总考试成绩的15%, 第二次违规者必须重修这们课
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(1)桌上只许有笔,答题纸和英文课本。(2)不许 离开自己的座位。(3)不许偷看,不许讲话 (有问题 举手)(4)老师宣布停的时候,必须放下自己的笔。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂 助教
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(1)桌上只许有笔,答题纸和英文课本。(2)不许 离开自己的座位。(3)不许偷看,不许讲话 (有问题 举手)(4)老师宣布停的时候,必须放下自己的笔。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂 助教
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Your answer should describe what each item is and how it functions in the cell. Diagrams, structure and sequence information could be included in your answer, as necessary. 1. Affinity chromotography 2. microRNA 3. Alternative splicing 4. Insulator 5. Riboswitch 6. Wobble concept 7. Topoisomerase
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1. What are the gene expression stages that can be regulated? (10 points) Regulated stages in gene expression: (1) transcription initiation (the most important stage): RNAP binding of the promoter, transition from the closed complex to the open complex; promoter escape 4’ (2) stages after initiation (elongation and termination) 2’ (3) RNA processing (alternative splicing) in eukaryotes 2’ (4) translation 2’
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