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Develop a graphical depiction of the operation of the fuzzy controller for the inverted pendulum similar to 3 π the one given in Figure2.1 99 on page46. For this choose(t)=andet)=, which will result in four rules being on. Be sure to show all parts of the graphical depiction
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There are many concepts that are used in fuzzy logic that sometimes become useful when studying fuzzy control. The following problems introduce some of the more popular fuzzy logic oncepts that were not treated earlier in the chapter or were treated only briefly (a)The complement(\not )of a fuzzy set with a membership function has a membership function given by A(x)=1-u(x). Sketch the complement of the fuzzy set shown in Figure 2.6 on page 30 (b)There are other ways to def ine the\triangular norm\for representing
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In this problem we will study the effects of adding rules to the rule- base. Suppose that we use seven triangular membership functions on each universe of discourse and make them uniformly distributed in the same manner as how we did in Exercise 2.3. In particular make the points at which the outermost input membership functions for e saturate at +r/2 and for e at tr/4 For u make the outermost ones have their peaks
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problem you will study how to represent various concepts and quantify various relations with membership functions. For each part below, there is more than one correct answer. Provide one of these and justify your choice in each case. (a)Draw a membership function (and hence define a fuzzy set) that quantifies the set of all people of medium height
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专家系统(expert system)是人工智能应用研究的主要领域。正如专家系统的先驱费根鲍姆(Feigenbaum)所说: 专家系统的力量是从它处理的知识中产生的,而不是从某种形式主义及其使用的参考模式中产生的。这正符合一 句名言:知识就是力量。自从1965年第一个专家系统 DENDRAL在美国斯坦福大学问世以来,经过20年的研 究开发,到80年代中期,各种专家系统已遍布各个专业领域,取得很大的成功
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Questions: Why do we select fuzzy controllers in many real-world- systems? How much of the success can be attributed to the use of the mathematical model and conventional control design approach? How much should be attributed to the clever heuristic tuning that the control engineer uses upon implementation?
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Fuzzy control does not exist as an isolated topic devoid of relationships to other fields, and it is important to understand how it relates to these other fields in order to strengthen your understanding of it. We have emphasized that fuzzy control has its foundations in conventional control and that there are many relationships to techniques, ideas, and methodologi there. Fuzzy control is also an\intelligent control\technique
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一、奈奎斯特第二准则:可以有控制地在某些 码元的抽样时刻引入码间干扰,而在其余码元的抽 样时刻无码间扰,那么就能使频带利用率提高到 理论上的最大值,同时又可以降低对定时精度的要 求。 通常把具有这种特性的传输波形称为部分响应 波形。利用部分响应波形进行传送的基带传输系 统称之为部分响应系统
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一、卷积码的原理 1、卷积码的特性 (1)卷积码把k个信息位编n位,k和n通常很小,特别适宜于串行形式传输,延时小。n个码元与当前段的k个信息位有关而且与前N-1段的信息有关,编码过程相互关联的码元为Nn个
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1、线性分组码 线性分组码中信息码元和监督码元是用线性方程联系起来的。线性码建立在代数学群论基础上, 线性码各许用码组的集合构成代数学中的群,因此, 又称群码。 2、主要性质 (1)任意两许用码组之和(模2和)仍为一许 用码组。(封闭性) (2)码的最小距离等于非零码的最小重量
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