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1、施工测量的目的、内容、特点和原则,施工测量的准备工作; 2、施工控制测量; 3、一般民用建筑施工中的测量工作; 4、工业厂房施工测量;
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本课程是为生物工程专业本科生开设的设计课程。本课程是《生化工厂设计》的辅助课 程与实践课程,与《生化工厂设计》同步开设。本课程的主要任务是通过课堂设计训练,使 学生掌握有关工艺计算、设备计算以及设计选型等的方法与步骤,熟悉用CAD软件绘制生 产工艺流程图、车间设备布置图的方法
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笔者从事工厂和民用建筑给排水工程设计十多年,完成的设计项目达一百多 项,项目客户包括欧美、日本、韩国、台资、国内等企业及研究所,绝大部分为工 厂项目,少数有高层民用建筑。不同国籍客户会有不同的设计要求、不同的喜爱偏 好、不同的工程习惯,不同行业客户又有不同的行业特点与要求,民用建筑又有不 同于工厂建筑的要求与特点,每参与一个项目就是一次学习与增长见识的机会,每 完成一个项目都会有不同的体会和提高以下是笔者对十多年给排水设计工作的体 会与总结,希望能与业中同仁一起交流探讨共同提高,其中有的观点不一定成 熟,甚至可能是不正确的,欢迎多予批评指正
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Every community produces both liquid and solid wastes and air emissions. The liquid waste-wastewater is essentially the water supply of the community after it has been used in a variety of applications. From the standpoint of sources of generation, wastewater may be defined as a combination of the liquid or water-carried wastes removed from residences. institutions and commercial and industrial establishments together with such groundwater
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《焙烤糖果工艺学》是食品科学与工程专业学生必修课,是根据食品工业产品结构特点 而设定的一门专业课。本课程由焙烤食品工艺学、糖果工艺学组成,主要阐述焙烤食品和糖 果巧克力等食品原料的性质和加工原理以及加工方法。开设本课程的目的是为我国食品行业 培养专门的科学技术管理和新产品开发人材
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毕业论文(设计)是各本科专业的重要必修课。毕业论文(设计)是本科教学的重要实 践性教学环节,通过毕业论文(设计),培养学生综合运用、巩固所学的基础理论和专业知 识,培养学生独立分析和解决一定的专业技术问题的能力,培养学生科学科研和工程设计的 能力
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Determining wastewater flowrates and constituent mass loadings is a fundamental step in initiating the conceptual process design of wastewater treatment facilities. Reliable data for existing and projected flowrates affect the hydraulic characteristics, sizing, and operational considerations of the treatment system components. Constituent mass loading, the product of constituent concentration and flowrate
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Operations used for the treatment of wastewater in which change is brought about by means of or through the application of physical forces are known as physical unit operations. Because physical unit operations were derived originally from observations of the physical world. they were the first treatment methods to be used. Today, physical unit operations, as shown on Fig. 5-1, are a major part of most wastewater
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6-1 Role of chemical Unit Processes In Wastewater Treatment The principal chemical unit processes used for wastewater treatment include(1)chemical coagulation, (2) chemical precipitation, (3)chemical disinfection, (4) chemical oxidation, (5)advanced oxidation processes, (6)ion exchange
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The constituents of concern found in wastewater are removed by physical, chemical, and biological methods. The individual methods usually are classified as physical unit operations, chemical unit processes, and biological unit ds in which the application of physical forces ohysical unit operations include pr T3clarifiers
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