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一、烷烃和环烷烃的构象异构 二、烯烃的顺反异构(几何异构) 三、构型异构——对映异构与非对映异构 四、环烷烃的构型异构
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1、用系统命名法命名下列化合物 (1)2,3,3,4-四甲基戊烷 (2)3-甲基-4-异丙基庚烷 (3)3,3,-二甲基戊烷
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A-6.(a) has only sp-hybridized carbon atoms has only sp-hybridized carbon atoms N Bra has only one sp-hybridized carbon atom A-7 A-8. A-9.(a)
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 3.1 (b) The sawhorse formula contains four carbon atoms in an unbranched chain. The compound is butane, CH:CH,CH, CH3 CH3 HH H-H CH ()Rewrite the structure to show its constitution. The compound is
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 5.1 (b) Writing the structure in more detail, we see that the longest continuous chain contains four carbon atoms
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 9.1 The reaction is an acid-base process; water is the proton donor. Two separate proton-transfer steps are involved
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assuming that there is no resonance stabilization in 1, 3,5-cycloheptatriene, we predict that its heat of hydrogenation will be three times that of cycloheptene or 330/mol (78.9 kcal/mol)
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 15.1 The two primary alcohols, 1-butanol and 2-methyl-1-propanol, can be prepared by hydrogenation of the corresponding aldehydes
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Oxirane 2-(Chloromethyl)oxirane This compound is more commonly known as epichlorohydrin. (c)Epoxides may be named by adding the prefix epoxy to the IUPAC name of a parent compound specifying by number both atoms to which the oxygen is attached
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1.答:(1) 有,由 sp3 到 sp2。 (2) 有,由 sp2 到 sp3。 (3) 无。 (4) 有,由 sp 到 sp3 和由 sp 到 sp2
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