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概率论与数理统计模拟试题(1) 填空题 1.已知事件AB满足P(AB)=P(AB),且P(A)=P,则B)=() 2.设P(A=04,P(A∪B)=0.7,则(1)若A、B互不相容时,P(B)=() (2)若A、B相互独立时,P(B)=() 3.在1中随机取两个数,则事件“两数之和小于65的概率为()
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第六章6-2欧氏空间中特殊的线性变换 1.正交变换 设V是n维欧氏空间,A是V内一个线性变换如果对任意a,B∈V都有 (Aa, AB)=(a,B) 则称A是V内的一个正交变换 正交变换的四个等价表述 命题2.1A是n维欧氏空间V内的一个线性变换,则下列命题等价
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We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to
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9.1.1(单项选择)三阶行列式:-142的值为() A.6B.5C.8D.12 (难度:A;水平:a) (-200) 9.1.2(单项选择)矩阵A=310叫做( )。 041 A.单位矩阵B.对角方阵C.上三角阵D.下三角阵(难度:B;水平:b)-121
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02-01-05二级VP考试选择题(A) 1、下面叙述中()不属于数据库系统的特点。 A)数据结构化好 B)数据独立性高 C)数据冗余度高 D)数据共享程度高 2、一个关系相当于一张二维表,表中的各列相当于关系的() A)数据项 B)元组 C)结构 D)属性 3、要启动VFP的向导,可进行的操作是()。 A)打开新建对话框 B)单击工具栏的“向导”图标按钮 C)从“工具”菜单中选择向导 D)以上方法均可
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一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.a2.c3.c4.a5.6.a7.c8.c9.c10.a 二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1. ABC 2. ABCD 3. ABD 4. ABC 5. BCDE 6. BD 7.AC 8. ABC 9. ABCD 10. BCD
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一、选择题 A型题 1.d2.c3.e4.e5.d6.a7.e8.c9.c10.b11.d12.a 13.b14.a15.d16.e17.e18.e19.c20.c21.b22.d 23.c24.c25.c26.d27.e8.c29.c30.c31.b32.b 33.c34.b35.c36.d37.e38.e39.c40.c41.b42.c
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4.3.2线性映射的运算的定义与性质 定义线性映射的运算(加法与数域K上的数量乘法) 设f:U→V,g:U→V为线性映射,定义f+g为 f+g:U→V, af(a)+g(a)(a∈U) 定义kf(Vk∈K)为 kf:u→v akf(a)(a∈U) 说明f+g与kf仍为线性映射。 命题Hom(U,V)在加法和数乘下构成数域K上的线性空间。 证明逐项验证
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Explain or explore something, (e. g, process of make a machine, the causes of a natural or ocial phenomenon, the planning of a project, or a solution of a problem) Description mainly deal with appearance and feelings, and narration with events and experiences, unlike the two, the exposition mainly deals with relationships as well as processes
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Introduction 1-2 Definition of a Fluid Fluid mechanics: the behavior of The solid object will no change fluids at rest and in motion inside the a closed container A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application The liquid will change its shape of a shear(tangential) stress no to conform to that of the matter how small the shear stress container and will take on the may be
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