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• 串行通信的基本概念 • 可编程串行I/O接口8251A • 8251A应用举例
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自测题 (1)A(2)BA(3)BA(4)CC
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I2C总线接口电路设计及VLSI实现 Design of a Slave I2C Bus Interface Circuit and Its VLSI Implementation
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第十章恒定电流 从点A出发,顺时针绕行一周各部分电势降落总和为零,即
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A1, A,----two arbitrary constants S S2----real numbers or conjugate complex Since the s,t and s,t must be dimensionless, S,, S2----(1/s)
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The series combination of a resistor and capacitor has a greater practical importance than does the combination of a resistor and an inductor
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一、填空 1、已知 : A=( 1111011)2,则A=( 123 )10=( 0001 0010 0011)8421BCD 0
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一、选择题 1.第三代计算机所使用的电子器件是 A)继电器 B)电子管 C)中小规模集电路 D)大规模和超大规模集成电路
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We select one node as a reference node and then define a voltage between each remaining node and the reference node
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