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第一章植物病原真菌 第一节植物病原真菌概述 什么是真菌? Fungi: Eukaryotic organisms without plastids, nutrition absorptive (osmotrophic), never phagotrophic, lacking an amoeboid pseudopodial phase; cell wall containing chitin and B-glucans; Golgi bodies or individual cisternae present; unicellular or filamentous and contsisting of multicelluar coenocytic haploid hyphae (homo-or heterokaryotic); mostly non-flagellate, fllagella when present always lacking mastionemes; reproducing sexually or asexually, the diploid phase generally short-lived, saprobic, mutualistic, or parasitic.(Hawksworth, 1997)
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教学内容 绪论 一、原核微生物:细菌 二、原核微生物:细菌 三、真核微生物:真菌 四、真核微生物:真菌
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有性阶段(sexual stage)和无性阶段(asexual stage) 完全时期 (perfect stage) 、 不完全时期(imperfect stage) 有性态(teleomorph)、无性态(anamorph)。 生活史明显区分为两个阶段:
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目的要求 掌握半知菌亚门真菌主要形态特征,了解半知菌的分类依据
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一、真核微生物包括真菌、藻类和原生动物。 二、有明显的核。核有核膜将其与细胞质分开。 三、 所有真菌都是有机营养型,藻类为无机营养型的光合生物
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鞭毛菌亚门真菌及其所致病害的特点 The fungi of Mastigomycotina and its pathogenic characteristics
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子囊菌亚门真菌及其所致病害的特点 The fungi of Ascomycotina and its pathogenic characteristics
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担子菌亚门真菌及其所致病害的特点 The fungi of Basidiomycotina and its pathogenic characteristics
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