(一)中国钢结构的发展概况; Introduction of the Development for Steel Structure in China (二)冷弯薄壁型钢结构和它的应用; Cold- Formed Steel Structures & Its Applications (三)冷弯薄壁型钢结构特性与热轧型钢结构性能主要差别; The Main Behaviour & Differences Between Cold-Formed Steel & Hotrolled Steel Structures (四)冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范 GB 50018-2002修订概况介绍。 The Brief Introduction of Revision for Technical Code of Cold-Formed Thin-Wall Steel Structures GB 50018-2002
Introduction to soil science By Genxing pan Department of Soil Science, Inst Resources, Ecosystem Environment of Agriculture(Ireea) www.ireea.kyig.njau.edu.cn
一、光分析及其特点 optical analysis and its feature 二、电磁辐射的基本性质 properties of electromagnetic radiation 三、光分析法的分类 classification of optical analysis 四、各种光分析法简介 a brief introduction of optical analysis 五、光分析的进展 development of optical analysis
Part I Introduction 1. The development history of organic synthesis 2. The influences of organic synthesis on organic chemistry 3. The research scope of organic synthesis
IT Project Management Introduction In a study published by IEEE, the engineering vice presidents of three major technology companies were asked the most important contributor to a successful software project. The answered in the following way:
Outline Introduction People, Product, Process, and Project What is a Project? What is Project Management? How Project Management Relates to Other Disciplines History of Project Management