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1、企业安全文化 a、安全文化(概念、定义、层次结构、与安全教育、安全科学的关系,普及大众安全文化的重点,新世纪中国安全文化建设总原则) b、企业安全文化(定义、建设、形态、对象、建设模式(10 类)) c、公共安全文化(社区文化、交通文化、消防文化、休闲娱乐文化、保健文化) 2、安全的社会效应 a、安全与社会的稳定直接相关 b、安全工作的重要性及所面临的挑战 3、安全科学与社会科学 科学的概念、安全科学的概念、安全科学研究对象及主要内容 4、安全法规和法制 a、安全法规(本质、特征、法律规范、法律关系、法律责任、安全法规的功能分类与作用,和科学技术的关系) b、安全法制(安全法规的立法,安全监察机构的定位与建设,现行体制) c、安全生产及基本要求(安全生产方针、安全生产的 9 点要求)
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Sociological Lessons from the Titanic ll. Defining Sociology A. Is it a science? And what does this mean? B. What are social facts? Why was Durkheim's study of suicide so important? C. What do sociologists study? (What is their unit of analysis?) E. Is sociology micro or macro? Do they study the big picture or the little picture? F. Is sociology global? In what sense?
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ACRONYMS AFWC DESA African Forestry and Wildlife Commission United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs AIDS ed immunodeficiency syndrome DFID
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Language is a system of symbols ymbols are objects, events, speech sounds, written forms, gestures, which humans attach meaning Symbols operate in changing fields of social relationships symbols are multivocal --enables a wide range of
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Linguistic Meaning The meaning of linguistic items. (linguistic item= anything, from word, to a grammatical morpheme or a combination of words). Different from personal/social/ cultural meanings
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The Uses of History in Law and economics Ron harris During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the humanities and social sciences have turned toward history something that culminated in the 1990s, and this phenomenon was evident in law as well. However until recently law and economics, the most infuential post-World War
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一、科学引文索引 Social Sciences citation Index, sscl 二、社会科学引文索引 Art humanities citation Index. a&HSC 三、艺术与人文科学引文索引
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Unit 10 The Credibility Principle? I Objective Understanding what \credibility\ is in all kinds of social life Understanding why credibility principle should be followed and cherished Reading skill: Reading advertisement Ⅱ Time Arrangement
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Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or othenwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the
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Advantages of automation 16.422 · Improve efficiency productivity Task performance reliability Human safety both operators public Remote operations Reduction of human labor Technological advancements Improved quality of lif
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