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The last lecture investigated which bundle of goods the consumer prefers. However, goods cost money and the consumer cannot afford to buy indefinite amounts of each good
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There are two countries, Home (H) and Foreign (F). There are two goods, units of wine (Qw) and cheese (Qc). Suppose there is one factor of production, labour, which is available in amounts L and L
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In the last lecture two concepts were introduced: Pareto efficiency and general equilibrium. How do they relate? Theorem: The first welfare theorem states that every general equilibrium involves a Pareto efficient llocation
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Endowments and Allocations Consider first the case of a pure exchange economy. (One with no production). Suppose there are two consumers, A and B, in a two good economy. A starts with an endowment of ωA =
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Production — Games 1 Monopolistic Competition Monopolistic competition arises when there are a large number of price-setting firms in an industry with free entry. Suppose there are n firms. In the short run, each firm faces an nth of the market demand curve
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第一节概述 第二节冰淇淋的加工技术
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第一节 良好的生产规范(GMP) 第二节 危害分析关键控制点(HACCP) 第三节 ISO9000认证
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第一节 中性含乳饮料的加工技术 第二节 酸性含乳饮料的加工技术 调配型酸性含乳饮料 发酵型酸性含乳饮料
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第一章 绪论 第二章 财务管理与环境 第三章 价值、收益与风险
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第一节 乳的组成与化学性质 第二节 乳的物理性质 第三节 异常乳
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