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一、填空题: 1. 50 2. 北京广告公司 3. 指导 4. 系统性 5. 物质 6. 劝服功能 7. 广告策略
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一、 填空题(每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1.广告策划这一战略思想最早由伦敦的博厄斯·马西来·波利特广告公司的创始人之一、广告专家__________________________于 60 年代提出的。 2.广告策划具有两方面的特征,一是_____________________,二是行为本身具有全局性。因而,广告策划是对广告活动所进行的事前性和全局性的筹划与打算
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一、最好的管理者不断地进行决策CNN主席每一、二分钟就要做一个紧急决策 二、如果你不能做决策,你就不能成为一个有效的管理者 三、由于决策成为紧俏商品,咨询公司在全世界业务不断增加,影响力越来越大
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杨松 几乎每个组织的信息系统建设中都不同程度地遇到过类似的问题有的花费了比预期计 划多得多的金钱利时间,使公司没法收回投资。有的系统不能正确地实现设计功能,使组织 中的问题不能获得有效的解决。因而,使用者、设计者和开发者都应该对系统的成功和失败 原因及方式加以研究
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Arrow's disclosure paradox implies that information that is not afforded legal protection cannot be bought or sold on the market. This paper emphasizes the important relationship between the paradox of disclosure and the boundaries of the firm question. Only legally
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In recent years, there has been surge in academic interest in the \ownership\ of corporations, and in the links between ownership and performance The interest in this issue is driven by rapid changes going on in international capital markets, as well as in the corporate sector in many countries
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This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network electronic library at: http: //papers.ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstract id=10037 Bernard Black Reinier Kraakman' In this Article, Professors Black and Kraakman develop a \self-enforcing\ approach
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Mark J. Roe A strong theory has emerged in recent years that the quality of corporate lane primaritly determines whether securities markets arise, whetl from control, and whether the modern corporation can prosper. nwehy we see weak corporate structures in to explain why concentrated ownershippe
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Forthcoming in 2 STAN AGORA(2000). As David Millon so ably demonstrates, metaphor drives much of the debate within corporate law jurisprudence and corporate law scholarship. It has done so for decades, even centuries. Scholars have used metaphors-corporation as person, corporation as creature of the state, corporation as property, corporation as contract
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What is the common structure of the law of business corporations-or, as it would be put in the UK, company lawacross— national jurisdictions Although this question is rarely asked by corporate law scholars, it is critically important for the comparative investigation of corporate law. Recent scholar- e cor ship emphasizes the divergence among European, American, and Japanese cor- porations in corporate governance, share ownership, capital markets, and business culture. But, notwithstanding the very real differences across jurisdic- tions along these dimensions
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