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Classes of Halides Alkyl: Halogen, X, is directly bonded to sp3 carbon. Vinyl: X is bonded to sp2 carbon of alkene. Aryl: is bonded to sp2 carbon on benzene ring. Examples:
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Reactivity of C=C C—C Electrons in pi bond are loosely held Electrophiles are attracted to the pi electrons. · Carbocation intermediate forms. Nucleophile adds to the carbocation. · Net result is addition to the double bond
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Classification Primary: carbon with -OH is bonded to one other carbon. Secondary: carbon with-OH is bonded to two other carbons. · Tertiary: carbon with-OH is bonded to three other carbons. Aromatic(phenol): -OH is bonded to a benzene ring
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Spectroscopy is an analytical technique which helps determine structure. It destroys little or no sample. The amount of light absorbed by the sample is measured as wavelength is varied
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Introduction Formula R-O-R where R is alkyl or aryl. Symmetrical or unsymmetrical Examples:
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Discovery of Benzene Isolated in 1825 by Michael Faraday who determined C: H ratio to be 1: 1. Synthesized in 1834 by Eilhard Mitscherlich who determined molecular formula to be C6H6
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第一章资源及其配置 经济学研究的核心问题就是资源如何实现 合理而有效的配置,它不仅是一个技术问题, 更重要的是一个社会组织或资源配置的社会经 济形式问题
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第十一章建立与市场经济相 适应的社会保障体系社会保障体系是经济发展、社会安定和有序运行的基本条件
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第二章跨国公司对外直接投资 第一节对外直接投资的含义、动因和条件 一、对外直接投资的定义 国际货币基金组织的定义: 一国投资者为获得持久利益而在其他国家进行的长期投资,直接投资者的目的是在国外企业的管理中施加显著影响。 美国商务部的定义:对外直接投资指某一个人在某一个国家对位于另一个国家的企业具有持续性的利益或某种程度的影响
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第六章跨国公司转移定价管理 第一节转移定价概述 转移定价的概念 转移定价:某公司在与关联企业进行交易时所采用的价格。 关联企业:从属关系、共同属于第三方(包括直接和间接)。 交易:有形商品、服务、有形资产、无形资产
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