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Analyzing Profitability Focus of Profitability Analysis Profitability analysis is key part of financial statement analysis All financial statements are pertinent to profitability analysis Emphasis of profitability analysis is on the income statement
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Statement of Cash Flows Relevance of Cash Flows Cash Defined refers to cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are (1) readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and (2) near maturity (typically within 3 months) with limited risk of price changes due to interest rate shifts
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Intercorporate nvestments Definitions Intercorporate investments investments by one corporation in the equity securities of another corporation Parent- corporation who controls, Macintosh PICT enerally through ownership of equity image format
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Liabilities Definition Macintosh PICT image format is not supported A liability is probable future payment of assets or services that company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events
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Business Analysis Evaluate Prospects Evaluate Risks Business Decision Makers Equity investors Creditors Managers Merger and Acquisition Analysts External Auditors Directors Regulators
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流派,这里是指室内设计的艺术派别。现代室内设计从所表现的艺术特点分析,也有多种流派, 主要有:高技派、光亮派、白色派、新洛可可派、超现实派、解构主义派以及装饰艺术派等。 高技派或称重技派 高技派或称重技派,突出当代工业技术成就并在建筑形体和室内环境设计中加以炫耀,崇尚“机 械美”,在室内暴露梁板、网架等结构构件以及风管、线缆等各种设备和管道,强调工艺技术与 时代感
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3.1创建服务器组 3.2服务器注册 3.3服务器启动、暂停和停止
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4.1数据库的存储结构 4.2创建、修改和删除数据库 4.3数据库备份 4.4恢复数据库 4.5数据库的维护
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6.1软件工程与软件过程 6.2传统方法学 6.3面向对象方法学 6.4软件项目管理
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一、行政行为 1、行政行为概述:是指行政主体运用行政职权,管理行政事务时作出的能够产生法律效力的行为
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