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第三章药物代谢动力学 (Pharmacokinetics) 一、研究内容: 二、药物体内过程机体对药物的处置 disposition 吸收(absorption) 分布(distribution) 代谢(metabolism) 排泄(excretion) 三、体内药物浓度(血药浓度)动力学规律
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一、药物发展史 第一代萘啶酸 第二代吡哌酸 第三代氟喹诺
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中枢神经抑制药:镇静催眠药等 中枢神经 中枢兴奋药:咖啡因等 神经系统 传入神经:局麻药 周围神经 传出神经:传出神经系统药 传入神经 传出神经效口器
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第八章胆碱受体阻断药 (cholinoceptor blockingdrugs 一、胆碱受体阻断药 1、M胆碱受体阻断药 2、N胆碱受体阻断药
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Chapter 10 Computer and Network Security Key points: useful terms and definitions of computer security Difficult points: distinguish between four kinds of computer security breaches
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Chapter 12 Multimedia Key points: useful terms and definitions of Multimedia Difficult points: Applications of multimedia
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Chapter 14 Virtual Reality Key points: useful terms and definitions of Virtual Reality Difficult points: applications and features of VRML
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Chapter 2 Organization of Computers Key points: useful terms and organization of computers Difficult points: describing the organization of computers
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Chapter 4 Data Structure Key points: useful terms and definitions of data structure Difficult points: Stack, queue, tree
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Chapter 6 Software Engineering Requirements: 1、掌握软件的生命周期的基本术语与知识; 2、了解软件工程的发展趋势; 3、了解软件设计方法; 4、了解软件安全的有关知识; 5、掌握复杂定语(从句)的翻译技巧
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