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第一节 食品安全性评价的发展进程 第二节 食品中危害成分的毒理学评价 第三节 食品安全性的风险评价 第四节 联合国机构对食品中农药和兽药的安全性评价概述
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第一节 环境污染与食品安全 第二节 大气污染对食品安全性的影响 第三节 水体污染对食品安全性的影响 第四节 土壤污染对食品安全性的影响 第五节 放射性物质对食品安全性的影响
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1.什么是电子邮件?电子邮件是 Internet上应用最广同时也是最基本的服务之一。只要能够连接到因特网,拥有一个E-mail账号,就可以通过电子邮件系统,用非常低廉的价格、非常快的速度,与世界上任何一个角落的网络用户联络
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• Define cloud services, including types and service models • How to define cloud service requirements and identify appropriate services • Survey cloud-based security capabilities and offerings • Discuss cloud storage encryption considerations • Protection of cloud-based applications and infrastructures • Explain the major federated identity management standards and how they differ
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3.1 General Principles for Designing Safer Chemicals 3.1.1 General Principles for Designing Safer Chemicals 3.1.2. Building the foundation for designing safer chemicals 3.2 Techniques in designing of safer chemicals ❖ 3.2.1 毒理学分析及相关分子设计 ❖ 3.2.2 利用构效关系设计安全的化学品 ❖ 3.2.3 利用基团贡献法构筑构效关系 ❖ 3.2.4 利用等电排置换设计更加安全的化学品 ❖ 3.2.5“软”化学设计 ❖ 3.2.6 用另一类有相同功效而无毒的物质替代有毒有害物质 ❖ 3.2.7 消除有毒辅助物品的使用
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• Define the Internet of Things and discuss associated emerging security issues • Discuss nascent efforts to financially measure cybersecurity to make sound investment decisions • Explore the evolving field of electronic voting, which has been an important and open security research problem for over a decade • Study potential examples of cyber warfare and their policy implications
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通过本章学习,读者应该掌握以下内容 一、对称加密机制及典型算法 二、非对称加密机制及算法 三、数字签名的原理 四、数据完整性验证的原理及典型算法 五、PGP的使用
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• Define privacy and fundamental computer-related privacy challenges • Privacy principles and laws • Privacy precautions for web surfing • Spyware • Email privacy • Privacy concerns in emerging technologies
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• Learn basic terms and primitives of cryptography • Deep dive into how symmetric encryption algorithms work • Study the RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm • Compare message digest algorithms • Explain the math behind digital signatures • Learn the concepts behind quantum cryptography
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• Study the contents of a good security plan • Learn to plan for business continuity and responding to incidents • Outline the steps and best practices of risk analysis • Learn to prepare for natural and human-caused disasters
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