• Define cloud services, including types and service models • How to define cloud service requirements and identify appropriate services • Survey cloud-based security capabilities and offerings • Discuss cloud storage encryption considerations • Protection of cloud-based applications and infrastructures • Explain the major federated identity management standards and how they differ
3.1 General Principles for Designing Safer Chemicals 3.1.1 General Principles for Designing Safer Chemicals 3.1.2. Building the foundation for designing safer chemicals 3.2 Techniques in designing of safer chemicals ❖ 3.2.1 毒理学分析及相关分子设计 ❖ 3.2.2 利用构效关系设计安全的化学品 ❖ 3.2.3 利用基团贡献法构筑构效关系 ❖ 3.2.4 利用等电排置换设计更加安全的化学品 ❖ 3.2.5“软”化学设计 ❖ 3.2.6 用另一类有相同功效而无毒的物质替代有毒有害物质 ❖ 3.2.7 消除有毒辅助物品的使用
• Define the Internet of Things and discuss associated emerging security issues • Discuss nascent efforts to financially measure cybersecurity to make sound investment decisions • Explore the evolving field of electronic voting, which has been an important and open security research problem for over a decade • Study potential examples of cyber warfare and their policy implications
• Define privacy and fundamental computer-related privacy challenges • Privacy principles and laws • Privacy precautions for web surfing • Spyware • Email privacy • Privacy concerns in emerging technologies
• Learn basic terms and primitives of cryptography • Deep dive into how symmetric encryption algorithms work • Study the RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm • Compare message digest algorithms • Explain the math behind digital signatures • Learn the concepts behind quantum cryptography
• Study the contents of a good security plan • Learn to plan for business continuity and responding to incidents • Outline the steps and best practices of risk analysis • Learn to prepare for natural and human-caused disasters