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not repeated in the same additive term where the index appears. Free means that the index represents all the values in its range Latin indices will range from 1 to, (i,j, k
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The following expression is the right statement of linear momentum balance for a deforming body of an arbitrary material
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CH1:微型计算机概论 CH2:微处理器 CH3:总线驱动 CH4:存储器系统设计 CH5-6:I/O接口
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Concept Question Consider the following simple displacement field
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一个程序验证器的设计和实现 An Automatic Program Verifier for PointerC
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安全语言PointerC的设计及形式证明 Design and proof of a safe programming language Pointer
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6-1 系统的设计与校正问题 6-2 串联校正 6-3 反馈校正 6-4 复合校正
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烟台理工学院:《计算机控制系统课程设计》课程教学大纲 Course Design of Computer Control
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5.1 Turbo码的编码 5.2 Turbo码的迭代译码 5.3 Turbo码的性能界 5.4 交织器设计 5.5 分量码的优化
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