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一、简谐振动的描述 1、简谐振动方程: 2、描述简谐振动的物理量: (1)由系统性质决定、V、T: (2)由初始条件决定A、φ: 3、用旋转矢量描述简谐振动:
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4.1 Introduction White wheat flour is the largest ingredient in nearly all biscuits. It is made from wheat by removing the brown surface coating and the embryo(the bran and the germ) and reducing the particle size to a fine powder. Modern milling methods are very complex involving many stages principally because it is difficult to separate the bran from the white central part (known as the endosperm)of the wheat
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The Case for Floating Exchange rates The Case Against Floating Exchange Rates Macroeconomic Interdependence Under a Floating rate What Has been Learned Since 1973? Are Fixed Exchange Rates Even and Option for mostCountries?
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Introduction A Standard Model of Trading Economy International Transfers of Income: Shifting the RD Curve Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RD Summary Appendix: Representing International Equilibrium with Offer Curves
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Thus far, we have concentrated on the bending of shell beams. However, in the general case a beam is subjected to axial load. F · bending moments,M · shear forces,S torque(torsional moments)
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We have looked at basic in-plane loading. Lets now consider a second\building block of types of loading: basic torsion There are 3 basic types of behavior depending on the type of cross-section
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Before we look specifically at thin-walled sections, let us consider the general case (i.e, thick-Walled) Hollow thick-walled sections Figure 12.1 Representation of a general thick-walled cross-section 中=c2 on one boundary φ=c1 on one boundary This has more than one boundary(multiply-connected do=0 on each boundary
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2-1导热基本定律 1、温度场 傅立叶定律为:Φ=-A,为求通过物体的热流量必须 知道物体内部的温度分布。一般地讲,物体的温度分布是坐标 和时间的函数,即
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Let's first review a bit... from Unified, saw that there are basic considerations in elasticity: 1. Equilibrium 2. Strain-Displacement 3. Stress- Strain Relations (Constitutive Relations)
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一、是非题:(对的打“+”号,错的打“”,每空1分,共10分) 1.腔肠动物是两胚层动物,具有完全的消化系统。(一) 2.尾索动物亚门幼体具脊索动物门的三大特征,但脊索在尾部。(+)
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