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1.解 1-1说明图(a),(b)中,(1)u,i的参考方向是否关联?(2)乘积表示 什么功率?(3)如果在图(a)中u>0,i0,i>0,元件实际发 出还是吸收功率?
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17.1集成运算放大器的简单介绍 17.2运算放大器在信号运算方面的应用 17.3运算放大器在信号处理方面的应用 17.4运算放大器在波形产生方面的应用 17.5运算放大器在信号测量方面的应用 17.6集成功率放大器 17.7运算放大电路中的负反馈 17.8使用运算放大器应注意的几个问题
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13.1 数字电路的基础知识 13.2 基本逻辑关系 13.3 逻辑代数及运算规则 13.4 逻辑函数的表示法 13.5 逻辑函数的化简
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13.6 TTL集成门电路 13.7 其它类型的TTL门电路 13.8 组合逻辑电路的分析 13.9 组合逻辑电路的设计 13.10 集成组合逻辑电路
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1绪论 1.1.1仿照图 1.1.2①石英预制棒加热炉温度控制系统方框图,画出图1.1.1中光纤拉丝 盘转速控制的电子系统方框图,并加以说明。 X、Y、Z位移装置 距地基平面14m 预制棒空间位置 控制系统
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The readings of three watt-meters Ax =v an+lnx vBx=vbn+lnx vc=von+v Nx (UANia tUBvibB+Uvicdt+l(uN(ia tibB +ic)dt T Jo aNaA foBNLbB +Uvic)dt The sum of the average powers taking by the three-phase loads
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Example 2: Find the three inductance appearing in the T equivalent of the transformer shown in Fig., if L2=4H and the input inductance at A-B is 6H with C-D open-circuited, and 2H with C-D short-circuited
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Example 2: (p175-12) resistor, capacitor, and voltage source=100cos300n are all in series. If the average power dissipated by the resistor is 150W and the rms capacitor voltage is 10v, determine R and C
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The forced response The steady state responseThe(t) has been switched into the circuit at some remote U.=V. cos ot time in the past, and the natural response has died-out completely. The forced response(steady state response)must satisfy the differential equation
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A real, an imaginary, or a complex forcing function will produce a real, an imaginary, or complex response, respectively. Instead of applying a real forcing function to obtain the desired real response, we apply a complex forcing function whose real part is the given real forcing function; we obtain a complex response whose real part is the desired real response
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