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Brevetoxin B is a marine neurotoxin most commonly associated with Red Tides – Annually responsible for the deaths of thousands of marine organisms The structure of this poison was identified in 1981 by Lin
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Poison Isolated in 1818 Used as a pestcide and in medicine as a stimulant for the central nervous system Structure elucidation in 1946
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Six contiguous stereogenic centers. Class of molecules : Steroids. ?Steroids are important biomolecules because of their powerful biological activity
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一、结构与命名 IUPAC命名法: 选择含OH的最长碳链为主链,从靠近OH的一端 给碳原子编号(链上含不饱和键也一样)
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1.用系统命法命名下列化合物,对顺反异构体用 Z、E 命名: (1) CH3 CH
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1.写出下列氨基酸的 Fischer 投影式,注明其 R 或 S: (1)L-丙氨酸 (2)甘氨酸 (3)L-丝氨酸 (4)L-组氨酸 (5)L-半胱氨酸
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1. 划分出下列各化合物中的异戊二烯单位:
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1. 解释下列名词: (1)皂化值 (2)碘值 (3)干性油
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