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第一节单片机应用系统的设计过程 第二节单片机的选型 第三节单片机控制系统的仿真调试 第四节常用单片机开发系统简介
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第一节单片机控制系统的设计方法 第二节提高系统可靠性的常用方法 第三节单片机在步进电动机控制中的应用 第四节单片机在直流调速中的应用 第五节单片机在电子显示屏中的应用
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当传递函数难以表达成零极点形式时,则可以采用频率响应法。例如,数字计算机的控制系 统中(如Simulink)常见的纯滞后环节。如果纯滞后环节滞后时间为,则可由输入u(t) 得到输出y(t):
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第一部分 电阻电路的分析 第二部分 动态电路的分析 第三部分 正弦稳态分析
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1、对偶原理的内容 电路中某些元素之间的关系(或方程)用它们 的对偶元素对应地置换后,所得的新关系(或新方程) 也一定成立,后者和前者互为对偶,称为对偶原理。 可以从一个元件的有关公式通过代换,导出另一 个元件的相应公式,这种方法称为对偶法; 可以互相代换的元素称为对偶元素; 可以实施对偶元素代换的两个公式称为对偶公式
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In this chapter, st ability and performance for multivariable systems with uncertainty will be considered. Consider a general multivariable system as depicted in Figure 5.1. All signals will in general be vectors, and G() and K(s) will be transfer matrices. d(s) is an output distur- bance signal and n() represents
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There are two main limit ations in the use of Hoo theory for compensator design. First, only full complex perturb ations() Cnm can be treated in a non-conservative way in an Ho robust st ability test. Second, robust performance can only be handled in a conservative way even for full complex perturbations since st ability and performance can not be separated in the Hoo structure
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Above, analysis for multivariable control systems with respect to nominal and robust st ability as well as nominal and robust performan has been assessed. It was assumed that the spec- ifications for robustness were given in terms of weight matrices Wu(s) and Wu2(s), and that the performance specifications similarly were given by weight matrices Wpi(s) and Wp2()
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In order to be able to design a robust compensator to control a given pro cess, it is necessary not only to specify a nominal mo del of the process, but also the model uncert ainty to which the control sy stem has to be robust. The compensator is required to make the output follow variations in the reference signal and to attenuate disturbances. Hence to design the com- pensator
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一、设计要求 二、变压器设计原理 三、稳压电路 1线性稳压原理 2开关稳压原理 四、保护电路 五、测试方法
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