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一、单项选择题 1.企业将融资租入固定资产采用自有固定资产的方法进行会计核算,所体现的会计核算原则是() A.可比性原则B.重要性原则 C.历史成本原则D.实质重于形式原则
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Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It 0 2 New words Main idea of the Main idea of each & text and devices part and devices Text for developing it for developing it Transcript Devices Main idea
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1.What is a p-h diagram? 在如-/图上表示制冷循环 陈 上海交通大学制冷研究所 bm比 一个临界点
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一、单项选择题或填空题(30分) 1.某人将一含SO42-的试液一分为二。甲份中加6mol/L的HCl溶液1ml乙份中加等浓度的HCl溶液10ml,再都用NaOH调至pH=.0,最后各加10ml同一浓度的BaCl2溶液。下列叙述中哪些是正确的? (A)两份溶液获得的BaSO4沉淀质量相等 (B)沉淀后的甲、乙两溶液中的[SO2Ba2+1乘积相等 (C)沉淀后的甲、乙两溶液中的沉淀离子的活度积相等; (D)沉淀后的甲、乙两溶液中的离子强度相等; (E)两溶液中的沉淀离子的活度积与溶度积相等
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一、选择题或填充题(30分,每答或每空2分): 1-5.B、C、A、C、B 6-11.C、B、C、D、D、D 12.填空9.30,9.34
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一、填空题(每空1分,共20分)案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共10分) 1一个机关可能形成许多文件,为了便于日后必须对文书进行系统的1.档案管理从研究范围上可分为)档案管理和专门档案管理研究两方面整理并归档
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Teaching Notes: Minnesotas Basketball Cheating Scanda Synopsis The St. Paul Pioneer Press, in a three-month investigation in 1999, uncovered widespread academ ic cheating among University of Minnesota basketball players. When the paper
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The independence of editorial content from advertisers' influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics We test whether this independence is observed in practice. We find that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal finance publications but not in two national news- papers. Our tests control for numerous fund characteristics, total advertising expenditures
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光和热是从太阳辐射到地球上的两种辐 射能的形态,生物圈内的光主要包含5 种基本类型的电磁波。即: 微波和无线电波:波长1m以上; 热红外线:波长4×106-7600A;
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A1 Development of \Welfare State\ 1. Definition of Poverty 1.1 Absolute Poverty- families without minimum food, clothing and shelter needed for maintenance of merely physical health (concept at beginning of last century)
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