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一、概述 1、上市公司四种可能的资金来源 留存收益(Retained earnings)一指支付红利后留作企业积累的净利润,也成作为分配利润或已得盈余。留存收益加上所有资本账户的总额等于一公司的资产净值。留存收益指标是公司股东资产的权益,并不是公司资产;留存收益主要用于扩展经营活动,即留存收益已经投资于厂房及设备、存货等项目上,而不是存入银行存款账户上,所以,资产负债表反映的留存收益并不表示公司现金额,也不能够用来支付公司股息或其他支出
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一、选择和效用理论 效用( utility) 主观心理感受:因人、因地、因时而异 客观 口边际效用(marginal utility 边际效用递减规律 (law of diminishing marginal utility) 定义 原因 总效用和边际效用的关系 序数效用论与基数效用论 (ordinal utility and cardinal utility)
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Chapter1绪论 1.什么是经济计量学:经济理论、统计学、数学、经济数据。 2.目的:理论实证、政策分析和经济预测等 3.方法与计算 3.1方法 (1)理论陈述; (2)数据收集; (3)提出模型; (4)估计模型; (5)模型诊断; (6)理论检验; (7)预测分析
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Simultaneous Equation Models Example(供给—需求模型) Demanding equation: Supplying equation:
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2.1 1、Statistical or random experiment 2、Sample space or population Sample point, event 2.2 Stochastic or random variable (r. v.) 2.3 Probability 2.4 R.V. and probability density function
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Classical Multiple linear regression model (CMLRM): 1. model 2. random sample
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1. Recall the assumption for the CMLRM: (Homoskedasticity) 2. Counterexamples 1、rich family and poor family expenditures; 2、large company and small company sales. There exists heteroskedasticity in lots of econometric problems
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1.何谓 Multicollinearity =Xb+a One of the conditions for ols: Tadde+k12
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1. Single equation estimation procedures Indirect least squares(ILS)(恰好识别) Two- -stage least squares(2SLS)(过度识别) 2. System estimation procedures Three-stage- least squares(sLS)(跨方程相 关) In1962 Theil and Zellner first proposed this method. 2SLS+GLS= 3SLS (gls=generalized least squares)
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