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Chapter F9 Power notes Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets Learning objectives 1. Nature of Fixed Assets 2. Accounting for Depreciation 3. Capital and Revenue Expenditures 4. Disposal of Fixed Assets 5. Leasing Fixed Assets 6. Internal Control of fixed assets 7 Natural resources 8. Intangible Assets 9. Financial Reporting 10. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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1. 在存货永续盘存制下,分别用: ( 1 )个别认定法; ( 2 )平均成本法; ( 3 ) 先进先出法( F I F O );( 4 )后进先出法( L I F O )确定销售成本,并讨论以上 每种方法的优缺点
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1. 定义财务资产,解释其资产负债表计价原则。 2. 解释现金管理的目标。 3. 简述进行内部现金管理所采取的方法。 4. 编制银行对账单并解释其作用。 5. 解释如何用备抵法和直接转销法处理坏账。 6. 解释不同财务资产的流动性
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§3.1 本量利分析的基本假设 §3.2 本量利分析 3.2.1 本量利分析中的基本概念 3.2.2 保本点分析 3.2.3 实现目标利润分析 3.2.4 敏感性分析 §3.2 本量利分析的拓展
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第五节利润及其分配 一、税后利润 二、利润分配 (一)弥补以前年度亏损 (二)提取盈余公积 (三)向投资者分配利润 三、利润结算
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第二节营业收入和营业费用 一、营业收入与营业费用 二、销售商品 三、其他业务收支 四、期间费用
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Lesson 2: Economic Transactions and Accounting Equation Learning objectives This lesson begins with a discussion of the purpose of a business, including a discussion of forms of organizations. Next, the nature of business operations is discussed. The four types of businesses are discussed: service, merchandising, manufacturing, and financial services. It also
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§2.1 成本分类 ❖2.1.1 成本按经济用途分类 ❖2.1.2 成本按性态分类 §2.2 混合成本的分解 §2.3 变动成本法 ❖ 2.3.1 变动成本法及其特点 ❖ 2.3.2 变动成本法与完全成本法的比较 ❖ 2.3.3 对变动成本法的评价
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Chapter F7 Power notes Receivables Learning objectives 1. Classification of receivables 2. Internal Control of receivables 3. Uncollectible receivables 4. Uncollectibles- Allowance Method 5. Uncollectibles- Direct Write-Off Method 6. Characteristics of notes receivable 7. Accounting for Notes Receivable 8. Balance Sheet Presentation 9. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Once a company determines its fixed and variable costs, it can then conduct cost-volume-profit analysis Basically, CVP analysis explores the relationships among costs, volume or activity levels, and profit Break-Even Point One of the primary uses of CVP analysis is to calculate the break-even point. The break-even-point is the number of units
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