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Principle 1: Securing the weakest Principle 2: Defense in depth Principle 3: Secure failure Principle 4: Least privilege (cont.) Principle 5: Compartmentalization Principle 6: Simplicity Principle 7: Promote privacy Principle 8: Hard to hide secrets Principle 9: Be Reluctant to Trust Principle 10: Use Community Resources Principle 11: Minimize Attack Surface Principle 12: Don’t mix data & code Principle 13: Clearly Assign Responsibilities Principle 14: Identify Your Assumptions Principle 15: Audit Your System Principle 16: Have Good Usability
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 2.1 数据加密算法设计标准  2.2 数据加密标准DES  2.3 多重DES  2.4 高级加密标准AES  2.5 标准分租密码运算  2.6 流密码  2.7 密钥生成
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 3.1 公钥密码体系的定义  3.2 数论的基本概念和定理  3.3 Diffie-Hellman密钥交换  3.4 RSA 密码体系  3.5 椭圆曲线密码体系  3.6 密钥分配与管理
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数字签名的简介 基于RSA数字签名 基于离散对数数字签名 ElGamal数字签名 Schnorr数字签名 DSA数字签名 基于ECC数字签名
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 7.1 一般框架  7.2 分组过滤  7.3 电路网关  7.4 应用网关  7.5可信系统和堡垒主机  7.6 防火墙配置  7.7网络地址转换  7.8 配置防火墙
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置换密码(列置换密码和周期置换密码) 代换密码(单表代换密码、多表代换密码和维尔姆密码) 典型传统密码的分析(统计分析法和明文-密文对分析法)
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• Background • Software Security: Control-flow Hijack Attack ➢ Memory Layout , Stack frame, & Procedure ➢ Buffer Overflow: Vulnerability, & Defenses ➢ RILC, Return-Oriented Programming ➢ ASLR & CFI • Software Security: Non-control Data Attack ➢ Data Oriented Programming • Summary
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• Static Program Representation ➢ Control Flow Graph ➢ Program Dependence Graph ➢ Points-to Graph ➢ Call Graph • Control Flow Graph Extraction ➢ Source Code to CFG ➢ ELF/PE File to CFG • Applications ➢ Control Flow Integrity – Principles and Implementations(CFI) ➢ Practical Control Flow Integrity & Randomization for Binary Executables(CCFIR) • Summary
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◼ What Is a Format String ◼ Format Functions ◼ Ellipsis and va_args ◼ Summary ◼ Using Format Strings ◼ Format Tokens ◼ Types of Format Specifiers ◼ Summary ◼ Format String Vulnerability ◼ Abusing Format Strings ◼ Reading Memory ◼ Writing to Memory ◼ Summary ◼ Finding Format String Bugs ◼ FlawFinder
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Buffer Overflow:The Essentials Vulnerability Metrics What are Buffer Overflow? Basic Example Shellcode Definition Basic Example Shell-Spawning Shellcode A Real World Buffer Overflow Attack Key Point A vulnerability in Easy RM to MP3 Conversion How to hack the vulnerable program Integer Overflow Overview A Real World Example Common Patterns in Integer Overflow Heap Overflow What is the Heap? An Abstract Example
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