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Definition PEM is a kind of malnutrition caused by inadequate dietary intake or some diseases, occurs commonly in children under 3 years of age
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Overview 1. Definition of Accidental Trauma: Accident, Unexpected, Injuries Physically and/or Psychologically 1. Causes: physical, chemical, and biological factors 2. Main cause of mutilation and death in children globally
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1. 意外伤害(Unintentional Injury) :突然发生的事件对人体所造成的肉体和精神上的伤害,原因包括物理、化学和生物等各种因素,是儿童致伤、致残、致死的主要原因之一
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Bacteremia: Bacteria invade into blood temporarily with flora <100 CFU/ml in blood Septicemia or Sepsis: Pathogens(bacteria or fungi) invade into blood,proliferate greatly,and release endotoxin Toxemia: Endotoxin absorbed into blood with no bacteria Septicopyemia:
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Bacteremia: Bacteria invade into blood temporarily with flora <100 CFU/ml in blood Septicemia or Sepsis: Pathogens(bacteria or fungi) invade into blood,proliferate greatly,and release endotoxin Toxemia: Endotoxin absorbed into blood with no bacteria Septicopyemia:
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骨折概论 常见四肢骨折 脊柱脊髓伤与骨盆骨折 关节损伤 骨感染与骨肿瘤 颈腰椎退行变与运动系慢性损伤
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离退休综合症及其防治 (一)退休的心理变化阶段 (二)病因 (三)临床表现 (四)影响因素 (五)防治措施
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1、运动领域 (1)粗大运动能力训练 ①基本动作训练 头部控制:玩具吸引,声音引导,双手提拉或托起,物体追寻,言语刺激;
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1.残疾人在我国人口中占有很大比例 目前全国约有各类残疾6000万人。 2.残疾人分类:听力语言、视力、智力、肢体、精神病残疾;凡有两种或两种以上残疾的人,另列为综合残疾或多重残疾
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解剖生理概要 直肠上接乙状结肠,下连肛管,长约12~15厘 米,起自第三骶椎平面,沿骶骨凹向下向前, 到尾骨尖又转向后,形成两个弯曲。 肛管起于齿状线,下止肛门缘,长3~4厘米。 肛管为皮肤所复盖,齿线下方有一光滑区,称 痔环,其下界叫白线,位置相当于肛门内括约 肌的下端,活体呈浅兰色,触诊有一浅沟
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