Current concepts of caries Dental caries is a specific infectious microbiological disease of the teeth that results in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissues Germfree animals do not get caries
• 体表投影 The surface projection • 舌骨下区 The infrahyoid region ➢颈动脉三角 The carotid triangle ➢肌三角 The muscular triangle • 胸锁乳突肌区 The sternocleidomastoid region
头部 head ❖ 颅 部 • 颅顶 ➢额顶枕区 frontoparietooccipital region ➢颞区 temporal region • 颅底与颅腔及其内容物 ❖ 面 部 ➢面浅部 superficial part of the face ➢腮腺咬肌区 Parotid and masseteric region ➢面深部 deep part of the face