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第一章状态方程 第二章转移矩阵 箄三章能控性与能观测性 筧四章变分法与最优控制 第五章最大值原理 第六章动态规划 第七章线性最优控制系统 第八章基本估计理论 第九章卡尔曼滤波
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第1童光的电磁理论与波动方程 第2章光在各向同性介质中的传播 第3章平面波的反射与折射 第4章衍射 第5章部分相干光理论 第6章部分相干光成象
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参考教材:《计算机网络安全的理论与实践(第2版)》 【美】王杰,高等教育出版社, 2011年。  1.1 网络安全的任务  1.2 基本攻击类型和防范措施  1.3 攻击者类别  1.4 网络安全基本模型
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第一章环境生物技术的基本特征和研究内容 第二章废水好氧生物处理工程设计与应用 第三章废水厌氧生物处理工程设计与应用 第四章废水生物脱氮除磷工程设计与应用 第五章危险性化合物的微生物降解与生物现场修复 第六章生物吸附剂的生产与应用 第七章生物絮凝剂的生产与应用 第八章环保用酶制剂的生产与应用 第九章可生物降解塑料的生产与应用 第十章工业废气生物处理系统的设计与应用
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Part I Human Organization 1 Organization of the Body 2 Chemistry of Life 3 Cell Structure and Function 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 5 The Integumentary System Part II Support and Movement 6 The Skeletal System 7 The Muscular System Part III Integration and Coordination 8 The Nervous System 9 The Sensory System 10 The Endocrine System Part IV Maintenance of the Body 11 Blood 12 The Circulatory System 13 The Lymphatic System and Immunity 14 The Respiratory System 15 The Digestive System 16 The Urinary System Part V Reproduction and Development 17 The Reproductive System 18 Human Development and Birth 19 Human Genetics Appendices A Reference Figures: The Human Organism B Understanding Medical Terminology C Answers to MedAlert Questions D Further Readings
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Using the Road Map Series for Successful Review . 1. Cell Physiology. I. Plasma Membrane II. Ion Channels III. Cell Signaling IV. Membrane Potential V. Structure of Skeletal Muscle VI. Neuromuscular and Synaptic Transmission VII. Smooth Muscle Clinical Problems Answers 2. Cardiovascular Physiology I. General Principles II. Hemodynamics III. Electrophysiology IV. Cardiac Muscle and Cardiac Output V. Cardiac Cycle with Pressures and ECG VI. Regulation of Arterial Pressure VII. Control Mechanisms and Special Circulations VIII. Integrative Function Clinical Problems Answers 3. Respiratory Physiology. I. Lung Volumes and Capacities II. Muscles of Breathing III. Lung Compliance IV. Components of Lung Recoil V. Airway Resistance
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1 Fundamentals and Cell Physiology 2 Nerve and Muscle, Physical Work 3 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 4 Blood 5 Respiration 6 Acid–Base Homeostasis 7 Kidneys, Salt, and Water Balance 8 Cardiovascular System 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation 10 Nutrition and Digestion 11 Hormones and Reproduction 12 Central Nervous System and Senses 13 Appendix Further Reading Index
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1. Studying the Nervous Systems of Humans and Other Animals 1 UNIT I NEURAL SIGNALING 2. Electrical Signals of Nerve Cells 31 3. Voltage-Dependent Membrane Permeability 47 4. Channels and Transporters 69 5. Synaptic Transmission 93 6. Neurotransmitters, Receptors, and Their Effects 129 7. Molecular Signaling within Neurons 165 UNIT II SENSATION AND SENSORY PROCESSING 8. The Somatic Sensory System 189 9. Pain 209 10. Vision: The Eye 229 11. Central Visual Pathways 259 12. The Auditory System 283 13. The Vestibular System 315 14. The Chemical Senses 337 UNIT III MOVEMENT AND ITS CENTRAL CONTROL 15. Lower Motor Neuron Circuits and Motor Control 371 16. Upper Motor Neuron Control of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord 393 17. Modulation of Movement by the Basal Ganglia 417 18. Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum 435 19. Eye Movements and Sensory Motor Integration 453 20. The Visceral Motor System 469 UNIT IV THE CHANGING BRAIN 21. Early Brain Development 501
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human Body CHAPTER 2 Cellular Chemistry CHAPTER 3 Cell Structure and Function CHAPTER 4 Tissues CHAPTER 5 Integumentary System CHAPTER 6 Skeletal System CHAPTER 7 Muscle Tissue and Mode of Contraction CHAPTER 8 Muscular System CHAPTER 9 Nervous Tissue CHAPTER 10 Central Nervous System CHAPTER 11 Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous Systems CHAPTER 12 Sensory Organs CHAPTER 13 Endocrine System CHAPTER 14 Cardiovascular System: Blood CHAPTER 15 Cardiovascular System:The Heart CHAPTER 16 Cardiovascular System:Vessels and Blood Circulation CHAPTER 17 Lymphatic System and Body Immunity CHAPTER 18 Respiratory System CHAPTER 19 Digestive System CHAPTER 20 Metabolism, Nutrition, and Temperature Regulation CHAPTER 21 Urinary System CHAPTER 22 Water and Electrolyte Balance CHAPTER 23 Reproductive System Index
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