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近年来国际上兴起的样品分析前处理新技术 – 简便、快速、无溶剂,集“采样、萃取、浓缩、 进样”于一体 1990年-加拿大 Arhturhe和 Pawliszyn首创 1993年-美国 Supelco公司商品化固相微萃取装置 1994年-获美国匹兹堡分析仪器会议大奖
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1.耗费时间长 2.效率不高 3.溶剂消耗量较大,成本较高 4.难于实现自动化 5.不够“绿色
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Principle of Virtual Displacements Consider a body in equilibrium. We know that the stress field must satisfy the differential equations of equilibrium. Multiply the differential equations of equilibrium by an \arbitrary\displacement field T
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一、微波能介绍 二、微波化学的发展历程
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Extend definition to material bodies: total work is the addition of the work done on all particles by forces distributed over the volume W by forces distributed over the surface t·udS
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会计要素,是指按照交易或者事项的经济特征所作的 基本分类,分为反映企业财务状况的会计要素和反映企 业经营成果的会计要素。它既是会计确认和计量的依据, 也是确定财务报表结构和内容的基础。 我国物业管理企业会计要素按照其性质分为资产、负 债、所有者权益、收入、费用和利润,其中,资产、负 债和所有者权益要素侧重于反映企业的财务状况,收入、 费用和利润要素侧重于反映企业的经营成果
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The following stress-strain curves were obtained for dif- ferent materials subjecting the specimen to the loading path(a, b, c, d ). Which one(s) of them correspond to elas- tic material(s)
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For the uniform state of plane strain shown in the fig ure,which one(s) of the following statement(s) is(are valid?(Assume Poisson's ratio v+0)
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Concept Question Consider the following simple displacement field
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We seek to characterize the local state of deformation of the material in a neighborhood of a point P. Consider two points P and Q in the undeformed
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