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Meaning: What is it? Different Theories of Meaning Naming: Labels of things 2. Semantic Triangle: non direct association 3. Conceptualistic view: meaning in use 4. Behaviorists' view: stimulus and response
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Unit Ten Text B I. Pre-reading Task II. Related Information III. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information llI. Detailed Study lV. Outline& Summary V Home Assignment
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Unit Seven Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information Ill. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Two Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related\\ Information lll. Outline& Summary IV. Detailed Study V. Home Assignment
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Unit One Text A l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related\\ Information lll. Outline& Summary IV. Detailed Study V. Home Assignment By Dai Mingyuan
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Chapter One Nitrogen Family(Group V) Central contents 1. Know the general properties of elements of the nitrogen group and inert electron pair effect 2. Know the reactions of ammonia, understand the thermal decomposition trend of ammonium salts 3. Know the properties of nitrous acid and nitrites; understand the structure of nitric acid and nitrate radical; understand the thermal decomposition trend of nitrates
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第7题商品包装 第1题席位分配 1.比例加惯例2.Q值方法3. d'Hondr方法 重量w体积v尺寸a3面积saa 12345已知,已有n增加席, 生产成本w包装成本C2cs其它成本C3(常数 A235117.578.358,75
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第二章化学动力学基础 2-1:按同一途径分解,表明正逆反应对应同一活化态…AHm=E正=Ean=459mol 2-4:(1)v=kc2(NO)C(O=0.018k(mol L-ls (2)24倍
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变分方法思想: 取不同的态v),计算(E)=mv),其中最小的(E)最接近Eo,可近似看成基态能E
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