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1.基本概念:调制、解调、载波调制、载波、调制信号、已调波信号等。 2.调制的分类:模拟调制与数字调制、线性调制(AM、DSB、SSB、VSB)与非线性调制(FM、PM)、连续波调制与脉冲调制
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数学是TEX的灵魂。就是由于排版数学公式是那么得复杂,在通常的打字 机上根本无法进行, Donald Knuth才开发这个文本格式化系统。另一方面, 的灵魂是文档设计。不但如此,所有TX的强大数学排版功能X也 都具备,而且提供了相当好的组合
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一、典型柴油机电控系统的结构及工作原理 二、掌握电控发动机使用、维修的注意事项 三、掌握电控发动机维护
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软件工程的本质 什么是需求工程 需求工程在生命周期中的作用 有效性的问题 问题领域的类型
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建模和分析(I) 通用的建模问题、建模目的、组织和非功能需求
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Class expectations This is a graduate level class. There is no final exam Grading in the class is based on homework (75%) and on a final written report(25%) The report will be revised during semester and should be 2000-3000 words(8-10 double spaced pages)
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Gravitational potential In spherical coordinates: need to solve
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Treat the basic description and dynamics of satellite orbits Major perturbations on GPS satellite orbits · Sources of orbit information: -SP3 format from the International GPS service Broadcast ephemeris message
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Today's Lecture Examine specifics of GPS signals Multiple modulations on same carrier signal Structure of signals GPS receiver operation and satellite acquistion
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