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This unit is intended to explore other ways of good communication (nonverbal communication) in addition to words, feelings and senses. After learning it, Ss are expected to have better understanding about how master as well as to pressent good communication signs in an Engllish culture, such as apperance, eye contact, gestures, movements, etc
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1. grasp the main idea (a sad, lonely woman who experiences the pain of loss as she remembers how her wedding day sent its spell over the rest of her marriage)and the structure of the text(narration in time sequence); 2. appreciate the narrative skills with time signals;
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Dialog 1 Girl 1: What do you think of this miniskirt, Amy? pretty hot stuff, eh? Girl 2: Wow... it's pretty short. My mom would never let me wear something like that Girl 1: My mom's cool. She lets me make my own decisions about clothes
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一、学科平台课程 1 《现代汉语 I》 2《现代汉语 II》 3 《古代汉语 I》 4《古代汉语 II》 5《语言学概论》 6 《文学概论》 7 《基础写作》 二、专业课程 1 《应用语言学》 2《对外汉语教学概论》 3 《中国现当代文学》 4 《中国古代文学》 5 《中国文化通论》 6 《对外汉语教学法》 7《跨文化交际》 8《英语写作》 9 《英汉汉英翻译》 三、个性化发展课程 1《汉字与传统文化》 2 《汉语词汇学》 3 《汉语言规范》 4 《对外汉语实用语法》 5 《外国文学》 6 《教育心理学》 7《书法》 8《英语口语》 9《英语听力》 10《教师教学能力训练》 11《韩语》 12《日语》 13《汉语课堂教学实践》 14《唐诗宋词鉴赏》 15《明清小说鉴赏》 16《中华民俗》 17《中华才艺》 18《社会语言学》 19《中医常识》 20《实用文体写作》 21《现代语文教师职业技能》 22《第二语言习得概论》 四、实践环节 1《学年论文》 2《专业见习》 3 《毕业实习》 4 《毕业论文》
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computers. Passage D. To warn against mentally lazy attitude towards In what now seem like the prehistoric times of computers. computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite 22. According to the passage, the initial concern about
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Preview: Riddle: It does exist. But it will never return. What is it? Americans value time and save it carefully. Time is a real, precious resource to them so every minute must count. Visitors may think Americans are always in rush and under pressure. Smiles and short conversations, and small exchanges with strangers don't exist because Americans dislike
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Definition: Dyspnea is defined as an awareness of difficulty in breathing It is therefore a symptom, usually described by the patient as \short of breath,\ whether the sensation is due to actual difficulty in breathing or is essentially an awareness of hyperventilation. If the symptom becomes striking, it always companies with dilatation of nares, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles of respiration and abnormalities of respiratory rate, depth or rhythm
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This unit is intended to help us get a broader perspect Brain drain” After I hould be able to 1) Understand how the author looks at \Brain Drain 2) And how to cope with this challenging problem 3) Understand the writing method of making contrast in an argumentative essay king contrast
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虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood) 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实, 或与事实相反 .虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用 1)时态:可以表示过去,现在和将来的情况。它的基本特点是时态退后。 a.同现在事实相反的假设
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Band Three Unit I Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams Warm-up questions What do you know about crime? What type of crime does the main character commit in section A? We encounter crime everywhere-on TV, in our neighborhoods, in our homes, with
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