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3.1概述 水在岩土体孔隙中的流动过程称为渗透。岩土体具有渗透的性质称为岩土体的渗透 性。图3.1(a)土石坝渗流的例子,图3.1(b)为随洞开挖时,地下水的渗流。由水的渗透 引起岩土体边 坡失稳、边坡 上游 浸润线 变形、地基变 下游 形、岩溶渗透 塌陷等均属于 线等势线
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充分就业有利于经济增长,却不利于国际收支 经济增长 平衡。因为居民有钱了就要购买外国商品,这 国际收支平衡 就会形成国际收支逆差的压力 经济增长不利于物价稳定,会造成通货膨胀 有互补关系,也有交替关A对兄初目标的实现有促进 互补关系是指一个目标的实现 作用,交替关系是指一个目标的实现对另一个目标的实现 有排斥作用
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Introduction Trends in food spoilage and sa ther than falling, year by year(e.g. Foods deteriorate as a result of phys hanges, the activities of enzymes and of micro- r approximately doubled between 1983 organisms (Table I). In addition, post-harvest losses in the UK, with substantial economic consequences
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5. Oligopoly Oligopoly: Small number of firms: Firms depend on each other. Identical products: Firms jointly face a downward sloping industry demand No entry: Long-run positive profits are possible
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Entries Main entries in bold type Additives Beetroot Adenovirus. see viruses Benzo(a)pyrene quinone flatoxin. see moulds Blackberry, see beries Blackcurrant see berries Itermaria, see Moulds
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110.2 Catastrophic Failure Models 110.3 The Bathtub Curve 110.4 Mean Time To Failure(MTTF) 110.5 Average Failure Rate 110.6 A Posteriori Failure Probability 110.7 Units for Failure Rates
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This paper contains the chapters on public enforcement of law and on criminal law from a general, forthcoming book, Foundations of Economic Analysis of Lany(Harvard University Press, 2003 ). By public law enforcement is meant the use of public law enforcement agents
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一、富里埃(Fourier)级数的引进 1定义:设f(x)是(-∞,+∞)上以2元为周期的函数,且f(x)在[-,]上绝对可积,称形如 a+∑( cos nx+ sin nx) 2n=1 的函数项级数为f(x)的 Fourier级数(f(x)的 Fourier展开式)
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Although the title of this paper may seem extremely broad, a very particular topic is addressed in this paper. It focuses on the extent to which the Dutch legal order recognises norms of constitutional and international law as binding not only on the legislative
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